Justice Department Suit Against Arizona Imminent, Official Says


Well-Known Member
The Justice Department could file a lawsuit challenging Arizona's immigration law as early as Tuesday, an official tells Fox News.

0bama and other top officials have criticized the law as misguided, while Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has slammed the administration for pursuing a lawsuit. She claims the administration has not done enough to secure the border -- a charge the administration denies.

Brewer told Fox News in June that Arizona would not back down from its law.

"We'll meet them in court ... and we will win," she said, calling the administration's actions a "disappointment."

Remember: the Federal Gov is suing a State Government to prevent enforcement of a State Law that mirrors a Federal Law.

"Your honor, what recourse is left to the state and its' citizens when the Federal Government intentionally abrogates its' responsibilities as stated in the Constitution and other existing Federal Statues?"

If filed, this suit will be the first shot fired in earnest on the
"War on Law and Order",
by our very own so-called government.
Gee.....I've almost forgot about the oil spill since this law suit has been filed!
Arizona Bill 1070 struck down

You know the wise Latina and the Fat Lesbian
will knock this law right down.

She is a lezbo, isn't she? A softball pitchin' one. But she ain't in yet, dammit!
O'reilly said militias were on the move to the border, but then I didn't hear
him come back and give a report like he said he was going to do.

There may be some escalated news tomorrow.
Articel 4
Section. 4.

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.

If they are not fulfilling their obligation, then what?
Gonz you nutcase, Osammie Is going to give them all amnesty and you know it.
So shush up reading stuff that means nothing to the regime.