Town requires residents to own a firearm and ammunition or suffer a $10 fine. The law was passed 3-2. Those who are too poor, suffer from mental illness, or who conciously oppose guns are exempt.
Twas Kennesaw, GA. It was a law passed in 82 in direct response to Morton Grove, IL banning firearms. It was pretty much just a political move. At the time the city was only 17,000 people. Now its roughly double that. People from all sides can point and proclaim that crime numbers did ... blablabla... all day and night. The only statistic that I know of that really fell was home burglaries. Adjusting for population, burglaries fell like 89% ... but I'm sure a good bit of that is related to the mere fame of the town for being well armed.
Town requires residents to own a firearm and ammunition or suffer a $10 fine. The law was passed 3-2. Those who are too poor, suffer from mental illness, or who conciously oppose guns are exempt.
Well, what I worte wasn't a direct quote. Technically it says "Those who suffer from physical or mental disabilities, paupers and people who conscientiously oppose firearms would be exempt."
It really was nothing more than a political stance. I don't think it ever has been enforced.
The population from inception to enforcement has gone from something like 9,000 to 25,0000+. Their general crime % as a matter of population is well below the average ... but pointing to one uneforced law would be a rather specious leap of logic. The city in question is only 12 miles north of me. It is less involved in crime because of the general attitude of its residents and near rural nature. It is certainly no end all be all defacto answer. Kennesaw has less crime just... because.