Kazaa's replacement?


New Member
First there was Napster, they got in trouble, then there was Morpheus. Morpheus got in trouble, then there was Kazaa... Now that people are being indicted, what do you think the next big file sharing place is going to be?

All hypothetical of course because file sharing is illegal and admitting that you engage in it or promote in it is against the AUP.

But hypothetically... what's the buzz?
I don't know, but I'll be watching. The sad thing is, that whenever one gets on top again, the RIAA is just going to go after them next. :(
PuterTutor said:
I don't know, but I'll be watching. The sad thing is, that whenever one gets on top again, the RIAA is just going to go after them next. :(

It never stops anyone though. Rather it mearly forces software developers to improve on the current system in short order.

admitting that you engage in it or promote in it is against the AUP.
You know how silly that sounds? I wonder if i'll get wacked for admitting that i drive without insurance? Doh! Sorry i thought i was at HWC for a sec there. :la:

Anyway, my favorite is still
It has survived the test of time and will probably outlive the next five or ten popular file sharing apps.
I used Mirc a few years ago, but haven't found any decent servers lately.
PuterTutor said:
I don't know, but I'll be watching. The sad thing is, that whenever one gets on top again, the RIAA is just going to go after them next. :(

hopefully. that tactic will probably bankrupt them eventually. after all, how many college kids are actually going to be able to pay the fines? not to mention the endless appeals people will file. it'll make the lawyers happy....
You know how silly that sounds? I wonder if i'll get wacked for admitting that i drive without insurance? Doh! Sorry i thought i was at HWC for a sec there.
Nah, you're not at HWC, you're at a board powered by vBulletin, the license agreement for which states our license will be revoked if we are doing or promoting the doing of anything illegal on it. So, unless you'd like to fork over another $160 for our next license... then yes, you can't say that you drive without insurance. :beerbang:
HeXp£Øi± said:
Anyway, my favorite is still
It has survived the test of time and will probably outlive the next five or ten popular file sharing apps.

:headbang:So, unless you'd like to fork over another $160 for our next license... then yes, you can't say that you drive without insurance.

Alright alright...i have catostrophic breast implant implosure insurance for my
90' Cherokee Lerado. :lol2:
Alright alright...i have catostrophic breast implant implosure insurance for my
90' Cherokee Lerado. :lol2:

Is that a problem with Jeeps in general???????
File sharing programs themselves and the use of file sharing programs are not illegal as a blanket statement. The sharing of certain types of files is. Obviously, 99% (made up statistic) of people who use these programs share copyrighted files, so I guess the distinction isn't that important (and the courts seem to agree).
I always use DC and have done since Napster went down the shitter. Takes a while to get used to, but most of the big hubs you can get virtually anything you want off in very good time (much faster than you can off Kazaa in my experience).
i used direct conenct back in the day. but frankly I couldnt find what I wanted :( The variety of music on soulseek is way better, and you can browse users filess and get whole folders like dc.

I only use IRC if I need something that just came out, casue it always seems to hit there first. But irc still sucks for music as far as I am concerned.
HeXp£Øi± said:
I wonder if i'll get wacked for admitting that i drive without insurance?

It depends on the laws of your state. In California, liability insrance with limits of $15,000 per person and $30,000 per incident is cumpulsory. Higher limits, or comprehensive/collision coverage, is optional. It's state law, though, so there may be states that don't require insurance.
I usually get my mp3s as legitimate promos direct from the artists or as freebees from the paid for download sites I belong to.

If I use a program like Kazaa it's for mtv videos of CD songs that I have and can't get to see here... it's a bummer sometimes liking non-mainstream music. It would be so much better if more artists put CD extras of their videos on their CDs. It would certainly save me the hassle of trying to find it or trying to get someone to send me a video recording or VCD.