Keeping control over your kids


New Member

Pretty interesting article about having kids in public places. But my favorite part was this:

Too often, though, our cultural emphasis on freedom and individual rights gets taken to the extreme, becoming “a kind of selfish entitlement that undermines our ability to function as a civil community,” said George Scarlett, a professor of child development at Tufts University in Boston.

Too bad most people can't understand that one.
"a kind of selfish entitlement that undermines our ability to function as a civil community,”

Not exactly my words, but largely the point I've been trying to get across for the last decade or so.
I've seen many a child running around clothing stores and the like...hell, I even once witnessed an employee at the store suggest to the children that they stop running and when the mother gave the employee shit she said "They could get hurt, I was just looking out for them, the store wouldn't be liable if they did." and then the mother was like "I can look for out my own kids, who are you to tell them to stop running? This is a clothing store you know!!!" the same tone and mannerism as one would say "This is a playground you know!" like it being a clothing store meant it was a place for kids to run...idiotic parents like her who raise out of control kids would be the reason if I ever own a business I would kick out patrons who couldn't control their children. One warning then bye-bye. Noone else should be subjected to your asshole child...teach them manners and respect or else get the hell out.