Kid WTFs!


New Member
Why do you have to chisel them out of bed on the weekdays to get to school in time but they wake before the chickens on the weekends?
How strange. Mine get's up earlier than necessary on schooldays, and sleeps in on weekends.

Must be the parenting. :)

*runs like hell*
:hmm: at Starya
Maybe when mine are older they'll appreciate a good sleep in.
Winky, Rob is great with the girls. Most of the time they adore him, the rest of the time they're miffed because he administered unpopular but quite reasonable parenting.
I'm reminded of an old "Calvin and Hobbes" comic in which Calvin is sick in bed... the mom reminds him it's Saturday and he says he knows... so she immediately darts to the phone to call the doctor. :D
Well, let's see. You can get up, get dressed and go to school, or you can get up and watch cartoons in your PJ's. I know which would motivate me more.
Don't know what it is, but I'm still like that too. Hate to get up on workdays, but I'm usually out of bed by 6:30 on the weekends...
I hate to get out of bed on weekdays and I sleep until the afternoon on weekdays. I'm onyl up this early because I stayed up until 10 or 11 Saturday, slept for a while, talked on the phone, then slept again until 8:30 at night... went back to bed at around 3:30 and snapped awake at somewhere between 8:30 and 9. Hopefully this will work out for me so that I can actually get up and be at work on Monday.
My advice to all yous children.

Ya gotta stay onna well defined sleep schedule er you'll
wander aboot like yer suffering from terminal jet lag

ya know circadian rhythms and all that jazz.
I don't keep to a regualr sleep schedule...weekends I'm up til 2 or 3am...weekdays I'm on bed 8 hours before whenever I need to be long as I have 8 hours my body isn't to fussy when it begins and ends...
Heh, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (and today for a change), I'm up 6am. The rest of the week it's anything between 11am - 1pm. When I have work the following day, I tuck myself in at 11pm. Otherwise it's 1-3am.
Nixy said:
I don't keep to a regualr sleep schedule...weekends I'm up til 2 or 3am...weekdays I'm on bed 8 hours before whenever I need to be long as I have 8 hours my body isn't to fussy when it begins and ends...

Yeah, I used to be able to say that, too. It stopped being true somewhere in my early thirties.