KITTIE!!!!! My fellow RadioShack employee!


Well-Known Member
Got any RS stories to share? I'd be interested to hear them. This post I made inspired me to start this thread.

I was scheduled to close this evening. So during a slow time, I picked up a box that had come in the daily UPS shipment and opened it. It was a repair that had come back from the San Leandro service center. So I looked on the repair sheet to find the guy's number to call and let him know his repair had come in. The guy had a Redwood City address and phone number, while I'm in Atascadero... so I was wondering what was going on until I noticed that the repair was shipped from, and was supposed to go to, store 01-3828.

I work at store 01-3028.

The UPS label had my store number and address on it. So that means the guys at the repair shop sent the box to the wrong store.

Confidence-inspiring, no?
Inky! Hot! I'm 01-2412. you should call my store one day for no good reason. ... 17004012412, anyways--

I have a TON of stories to tell, unfortunately, I am at work right now, and have to order pizza. But I'll let you in on one story right now.

A lady called here once, and said that she was having some issues with her TV. She claimed to be seeing campbells soup children. So we though, okay, she's getting bleedthrough from other stations. She goes on to tell us how her neigbor recently got a satellite dish, and that it was black, and sparkled at night.... o_O. Kay. So maybe he had a cover (?) on it, and lights? Anyways, she then went on to say that these kids were EVERYWHERE. In her halls, in her kitchen, next to the TV... and that it was really distracting her from watching TV.


She was nuts.

I'll share more later, I'm sure I have a bunch of them~!
Kittie, that lady should be in the same psychiatric hospital as the one I call 'Lois', the one who can dismantle displays without buying anything from them, ask the TV playing a cosmetics video where the soap is at, stalk me with her camera in the middle of the night, honk 'Shave and a Haircut' while doing it (almost hit the fire hydrant in the process too :D ) and cost the store 6 hours of OT just to get her to leave. :D