

New Member
When Aaron passed away thre was a bit of a commotion as he was entering his apartment and his kitty ran away. He had bought this kitty to make me happy when we were still together and I was working on taking her a week before he passed. The owner was listed of course as Aaron and it took a lot of convincing to get animal control to release the kitty to me and a friend. My friend took care of everything for me as I was already having a really hard time with everything else. Thanks to her I went down to the shelter and busted my kitty out of kitty jail and she is with me now. She is adjusting pretty well for all the trauma she has been through and I hope she is happy here.

I will try to post a pic soon. I know I have one of when Aaron and I adopted her as an itty bitty kitty somewhere around here.
Inkara1 said:
Make sure it stays inside for at least three days to establish your place as "home."

I have. I also have showed her that my room is the safe place (away from the dog that ignores when noticed anyway). She has adjusted well. It helps that she knows me and remembers me.

I luffs my kitty. But when she makes me smile I always think of Aaron and that is still a bit hard right now.