Knew this was coming...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Divorcing...Happens to quite a few couples, but not in this situation. Nice quote, though...

If the women can’t divorce in Rhode Island, their lawyers said the only legal avenue available to them would be for at least one to move to Massachusetts and live there long enough to obtain a divorce.

“It is an absolutely unfair burden,” Ormiston said outside Rhode Island’s Supreme Court. “It is a burden no one else is asked to bear, and it is something I will not do.”

Here's the one question that I have to ask. If they knew that Rhode Island did not have a provision for their lifestyle choice, why did they get their union in the first place???

This also proves that gays don't honor marriage any more than straights, BTW...

How so?

You mean if you take one incident and extrapolate it to characterize an entire group? There's a word for that somewhere.

And theres a word for people who won't see whats in front of them, too. Ask yourself a question, form a response, and then look up the answer. How many married gays have asked for divorces since some states made homosexual marriage legal? You'll find that they have the same rate of divorce as heterosexuals.
At least there's no kids to fight over in such divorces... or at least there shouldn't be from a sheer biological standpoint.
Here's the one question that I have to ask. If they knew that Rhode Island did not have a provision for their lifestyle choice, why did they get their union in the first place???

Because the entire point of the union was to make a mockery of marriage itself, to flaunt their choice of lifestyle in the faces of decent people who do not choose to behave in aberrant unnatural manners such as homosexuality, to [angelic host and trumpet fanfare]prove a point[/host and fanfare]. They had an agenda instead of "love". Once their precious point had been made, they were left with each other. Hope they had a real good giggle with their little stunt. This won't be the last time they'll have to answer for it either.
At least there's no kids to fight over in such divorces... or at least there shouldn't be from a sheer biological standpoint.


And when, exactly, did Melissa Etheridge morph into Hillary Clinton?
We've been over the homosexual marriage thing.

This is just another step. If a homosexual couple can get divorced in RI then a homosexual couple ought to be entitled to get married in RI (which will spread to other states). It's nothing but legal maneuvering.
yep homo couples value marriage as little as their mainstream cultural counterparts. hmmm seems like this might be bigger than "homos."
yep homo couples value marriage as little as their mainstream cultural counterparts. hmmm seems like this might be bigger than "homos."

No, no, it's all about the queers. They give me the heebee-jeebies. There must be something wrong with them. :rofl:
Because the entire point of the union was to make a mockery of marriage itself, to flaunt their choice of lifestyle in the faces of decent people who do not choose to behave in aberrant unnatural manners such as homosexuality, to [angelic host and trumpet fanfare]prove a point[/host and fanfare]. They had an agenda instead of "love". Once their precious point had been made, they were left with each other. Hope they had a real good giggle with their little stunt. This won't be the last time they'll have to answer for it either.

UM.. withholding the attacks I would *love* to make right now, you're entitled to your *ahem* opinion... but what the hell?

Most homosexual couples have the rights (and intentions) as straight ones. I know a bunch of gay people and not one of them is interested in marrying to make a point or flaunt anything. Actually, they're way more interested in being seen by others as normal... their goal is to be as normal as anyone else... to not be defined by their sexuality. One in particular hates the idea of gay pride... he's gay as the day is long, but he hates gay pride... why? Because are people proud of having brown eyes? No... he thinks homosexuality should be that normal.

You're an idiot if you think people would enter into MARRIAGE just to prove a point... you might, but people with lives wouldn't.
Actually, they're way more interested in being seen by others as normal... their goal is to be as normal as anyone else

Then they need to stop behaving in aberrant and unnatural manners, don't they?

he thinks homosexuality should be that normal.

He's wrong.

You're an idiot if you think people would enter into MARRIAGE just to prove a point...

People enter into marriage to become beneficiaries of insurance policies. People enter into marriage to ease their conscience. People enter into marriage to get their mommas to stop nagging them. In some cultures people enter into marriage so their father can repay a debt for a camel. People enter into marriage because they were in Vegas and got too drunk. People enter into marriage to become citizens of this country. And people enter into gay marriage to prove some point. Every day. You may disagree. That doesn't change the accuracy of the deed.

you might, but people with lives wouldn't

You have absolutely no idea why I do anything I do. You have no idea if I "have a life" by your definition or not. You know what I allow you to know about my life.
If you really had a life, you'd not waste the energy trying to make me think you have one, you'd just laugh it off.
And people enter into gay marriage to prove some point. Every day. You may disagree. That doesn't change the accuracy of the deed.

You have absolutely no idea why I do anything I do. You have no idea if I "have a life" by your definition or not. You know what I allow you to know about my life.

So you know why people do things but people don't know why you do things. Hypocritical don't ya think?
How many married gays have asked for divorces since some states made homosexual marriage legal? You'll find that they have the same rate of divorce as heterosexuals.


"In Denmark, where homosexuals have been legally able to get hitched (and unhitched) since 1989, it's a modern reality. But despite stereotypes of gay relationships as short-lived, the divorce rate among Danish homosexuals is only 17 percent, compared to 46 percent for heterosexuals. Can gay Danes teach us something about lasting marital bliss?"
Doesn't matter which way people swing - high divorce is a modern reality. They need to make marriage less easy to enter into and a damned sight harder to get out of (withstanding special circumstances), then maybe people will think carefully before entering into the institution so lightly.
compared to 46 percent for heterosexuals

I don't know about Denmark but I've seen records that show the US divorce rate is near 50%. When looked at completely, it drops to the low 20's (if I recall). First marriages hold up surprisingly well.

The people who like divorce do it more than once typically.
Update. Looks like they're stuck with each other until they move.

Before anyone gets their shrts in a wad, IMO this should be happening to heterosexuals as well. No divorce except in cases of abuse or infidelity. ;)