ku´u is winking at me


Well-Known Member
ku'u is winking at me

her contacts are giving her trauma this morning ... so she looks like she's winking at me ... if I were a guy I'd be either really turned on or really scared :D
I vote for scared ... the tears falling out of my reddened eye is not attractive :p

My eye is better now :D
Glad you're ok Ku'u!

I thought you two didn't work near each other? Can you see each other from where you sit? You should take a picture tour of work and show us your work areas and that new Mac Lab you built. (I know I'm demanding with these pics but you appeased me last time :D )
*whispering to self* listen to the woman once, and ... :D

we work in the same one-story building, just different rooms. we're just lazy to walk to each other's desk, that's why we're always instant messaging each other :D
in my office [1 room shared between 4] two of us aim each other while sat no more than 3 feet away D D

damn that's lazy! cool
umm.. yes sir, ma'am greenie! I'll get to those piccys right away! hehehehe

you know .. there was a time that me and ku'u sat right next to each other, back to back .. and we IM'd each other :D
That's only because everyone else didn't know how to mind their own damned business *harumph* hehehe
plus *looking over my shoulder* our bosses don't know much about computers and all its capabilities ... so all they saw were us typing away furiously, probably thinking, what efficient employess we have ;)
my job is shockingly cushy. i have an office, comp, as much stationary and drawing/modelling materials as i want [pretty much] zip disks and cd-rs reasonably on demand and no-one looking over my shoulder.

the only downer is the wage, but at the moment i'll live given its an easy life....)
but, we are efficient, aren't we? :confuse3:

*glancing over at my stack of work and thinking but at least my post count is climbing* :D
*laughing at nalani, while agreeing with ris*

our jobs our cushy too ... that's why i'm here all day long :D
my fave bit has to be the 24h access to the building including the comp room [a1 plotter], colour laser printing, cd burning, office, lan network etc.

24/7/365 - damn fine!! cool
They blocked the usage of AIM and ICQ at work. Everyone just yells across the room-they get more attention that way. :rolleyes: