kubuntu linicks


Well-Known Member
Well, about 30 days ago (Well, exactly 30 days, since my Windows Install says that I need to activate it right now) I replaced my XP SP2/Gentoo 2005 install with XP SP1 and Kubuntu (That's Ubuntu + KDE)

I wanted to see if I could get WC3 to work with WINE, and Gentoo takes so long to install, I decided to test WINE on Kubuntu then reinstall to Gentoo if it worked.

So, I go through the Kubuntu install. It all goes fine, much easier than Gentoo. Then when I go to boot it up, on the part where it lists what it's doing then says [done] when it finishs, it tries to 'Checking Battery State...'

Apparantly it can't find the battery, because it's installed on a desktop. Instead of reaching this conclusion, Kubuntu decides that it should continue looking for the battery endlessly, just in case I install one. Of course, I can't install one, because it's a desktop. So Kubuntu keeps looking, endlessly, until I get bored and shut it off.

Anyone know how to make it go away? I'm using GRUB bootloader if it matters.
I think that if you pass the parameter noapic to the kernel it won't load that shit.

Howto: In grub, just edit the default boot option and add noapic at the end.