

Kissy Goddess
I was sitting here thinking about the picture of you and your little girl and your new hubby. You look so beautiful, Ku'u. You are very lucky. You all look so peaceful, happy and joyful.

It's nice to experience that kind of contentment, happiness and closeness and love. Soon it fades a little and becomes a slight hum in the background when every day life takes over. So don't forget the joy you felt on that day you married. Why you felt that joy, what made you feel that way... never stop doing the things for eachother that brought you together.
Spirit said:
I was sitting here thinking about the picture of you and your little girl and your new hubby. You look so beautiful, Ku'u. You are very lucky. You all look so peaceful, happy and joyful.

It's nice to experience that kind of contentment, happiness and closeness and love. Soon it fades a little and becomes a slight hum in the background when every day life takes over. So don't forget the joy you felt on that day you married. Why you felt that joy, what made you feel that way... never stop doing the things for eachother that brought you together.


Very true.
*joins in the hug*

*wonders why Na was around on Saturday and how she didn't see her*
Wow, thanks Kate, that means a lot to me. :hug: Everyday life is kinda creeping in on us, but we're working on it.

...nalani will have to remind me when my daughter is reaching puberty ;)
:hug: spirit. i again somewhat agree with you but not totally. hopefully they will always remember and think of how lucky they are to have each other. best of luck to ya guys!