ku'u's husband ...


Well-Known Member
his movie opens tomorrow night ... who's gonna go see it?

for those of you who don't know, ku'u's husband is Ben Affleck :)
We agree on that ... serious hootchie mamma. Ben will wake up soon enough and toss her to the curb like a stack of old newspapers.
yes, but a seriously rich hootchie mama. if he has any sense, he'll stay hitched till the lawyers figure out how to undo the prenup.
I knew it was dead when I heard that she was shadowing him on one of his gambling junkets. He has a rep for being a great guy, a big winner, and an even bigger tipper. He made a big win on a game and casually tossed like a 3000$ tip at the dealer. JLo said NO rather loudly and drew the money back and then pushed out like 200$ for the tip. He didn't like it.. but he took it in stride. Shes muscled into his innermost pure karma thing and trying to knock him around. I don't think he will stand for it.
It's been like Ben Affleck month. Rusty and I saw him on that dinner show thing with Jon Favreu (sp?) and then the other night on Inside the Actor's Studio... He is one funny guy. I also like that the two of them don't seem to be jaded yet. You can only hope...
J lo not jaded?...Didn't she have a clause in her contract once that forbade anyone from making eye contact with her unless it was absolutely neccessary for the film?....
no squig. noone can make eye contact with her. in the movies you dont see it but they have to look around her eyes. no way. shes too good for eye contact :rolleyes: seriously speaking after spider man i want to see daredevil.
Sorry, I meant Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, not Ben and J. Lo.

While Ben was doing Inside the Actor's Studio, who shows up to watch (unannounced even to Ben) but Matt Damon in a basball cap pulled over his face so Ben doesn't notice. Then they do the Q&A later in the show and that's when Ben finds out he's there and he goes all red in the face. It's adorable. I just love the fairytale story of those two.