Landlord woes


New Member

I moved into an expensive apartment last May ($1500. a month with heat/hot water included). My landlord owns the house as well as a bunch of condo's because he has a construction business. We are small potatoes to them.

Any repairs or maintenance that needed to be done in the past year was like pulling teeth. I had to make daily phone calls to get anything done. My most recent squabble was the 30 year old stove that quit working right before Thanksgiving when I was having company.

Now, after only one year, my landlord wants to raise my rent by $100. a month. Why? First he said it was because the heat alone cost him $60. a month. Bullshit-this was the warmest winter in NY history. Now he's saying it's because his taxes went up (I found out only by 9%--even if he paid $5000. in taxes a year, that's nowhere near $100. a month). When I complained about that, he said, "I could get $1700. a month for that place easily."

He wouldn't hesitate to evict us, this I know. He probably could get $1700 because we're so close to the beach and the summer season hasn't started yet. We have no lease since May 1 because of this and he says we can "live month to month". Which means he can kick us out anytime.

We left it that he was going to bring us a heating bill and show it to us. I don't know what to do. He thinks my boyfriend is still out of work and previously agreed to leave the rent as-is till Rusty gets a job. But now I think he's getting impatient.

If I threaten to leave, he'll take us up on it. I called my realtor to see if there are any laws about rent increases. I looked up some websites about tenant rights but they all apply to rent-controlled apartments in NYC. I hate to think this but I think since they own the house, they can raise the rent to anything they want.

What would you do? Have any horror stories of your own? Please, share. :)
I've been lucky so far, have had either great landlords or ok landlords (not great but not horrible).

What I do do though is ensure I have all of the landlord's and the tenant's rights by law memorized, so I can pull them up in conversation with landlords at any time. See if you can find a copy of the landlord/tenant laws, and get reading, so he'll see in the next conversation you have that you can't be bullied by false threats. Find out first if he can kick you out, or if he can raise your rent that high legally. That's the best way I've found to avert any potential issues in the first place.

I can't help with your issue because I don't know the New York laws, but I can say :( that sucks.

I found this, don't know if it's any good...

Good luck!
If I understand correctly, you SOL. It's his property & his rules. Less than 10% isn't bad for a rent increase. Although, I'd be a real pain in the ass with his end of the bargain if I were to stay.
Thanks Leslie--that's the website that I found too. They primarily concentrate on rent controlled apt's in NYC. It's hard to find suburbia laws but I'm resigned to printing out that humongous thing and reading it.

Gonz, 10% increase after only one year? You think that's reasonable? I lived in my last apartment for four years before he raised my rent by $50. About being a pain in the ass, you are 100% correct. I have no problems doing that if it's something I deserve. If he comes back soon and starts bitching again, maybe I'll barter him down to $50 or $60. at most. Then I'll mention that the dishwasher doesn't work and that he better get the lawn sodded (that was his latest claim-probably b.s.) soon or the neighbors are going to start to call the town hall. (I'll make sure my neighbors spread the word to start calling. :D ) As a matter of fact, maybe I'll take dated pictures and supply them to my neighbor. What I should do is get him to put those two things in a new lease.

Oh and I'll make sure I tell the nice couple upstairs what's going on so they can get on his case too. Judging by what they know of him so far, they are not renewing their lease either.
JEEEEEZZZZ, $1500/month. That's almost double my mortgage payment (and I have a 20 yr. mortagage). GF, you should seriously consider buying a house. Even if you have to pay more, it will always be yours ;)
I'm building credit and Rusty has a way to go but he's doing it too. Our problem is a downpayment also. Him being out of work for five months depleted what little savings we had. We'll get there someday but we'll probably wind up renting for a few more years.

This apt is more expensive than usual because of the location. We're splurging now with this apt. but next year we get down to business.
Originally posted by alex
JEEEEEZZZZ, $1500/month. That's almost double my mortgage payment (and I have a 20 yr. mortagage). GF, you should seriously consider buying a house. Even if you have to pay more, it will always be yours ;)

My thoughts exactly. I don't even wanna know how much cash I spent on rent over the years, how depressing.

And I thought Hawaii was bad. $1500/month for an apartment? I paid $750/month on my old two-story house that I lived in before moving to my new place (which is basically free, all I pay is $200/month - including utilities and yard boy).

My boyfriend and I are thinking of building our house in a few years, or at least within a decade. He has land, we just need to get it together to get a loan and design a house we like.
My rent just went up to $695/mo. Not too bad, it's a nice apartment I guess. I have plans that should land me lots of money in about two years... keeping my fingers crossed.

I'll never really be happy until I build my own house. Hell, it will probably take two or three until I get it right and I'm happy with it. ;)
OMG greenie .. dang ...

before moving to Hilo (I have the same payment situation as ku'u now), I was paying everything on my own ... rent ... food... electricity ... gas ... water... cable ... I paid $750/month for rent. The father of my children wasn't working so he gave us nothing - not that he would have even if he was working :rolleyes: .. anyway, it sucked bigtime ... some months is was "bill roulette" *spinning the bill payment wheel* " ... alrighty .. who's gonna get paid this month? HELCO is the winner!"

My landlord sucked too. I lived in that house for 8 years - he never raised the rent on us but twice (when we started living there it was at $700) ... but any and all repairs I did on my own. I never met the man ... just put the money in his account once a month and moved on. Wish I could buy a house ... my former husband screwed me up bad with debt ...

greenie - you want me and ku'u to curse him? Our powers can reach clear across the continent .. just ask Rob ;)
gf: is his apartment and he can do whatever he wants....he has nothing to lose, and you neither, if he's acting like an ass, just get another apartment, don't make him richer....
Yes, NY in general is expensive but the wages here are also typically higher. We're planning on moving out of NY soon anyway but we didn't want to have to move again after just moving last year.

The ground floor of a house (at least 2 bedrooms, seperate kitchen, living room) isn't going to be less than $1200. in the western part of Long Island. The rent is very high here, and the house prices are insane. I just did a quick look at houses in this area and they start at $411,000. for a 4 bedroom single family house and there are also multi million dollar homes closeby. It's an island off by itself and it's a big time summer community. I honestly love this place but not enough to spend more than one more year here.
I love it there as well. I just want a cot in the back of Max (Bilaystocks sp?) bagel shop. I will work for the food alone.
Originally posted by greenfreak I just did a quick look at houses in this area and they start at $411,000. for a 4 bedroom single family house and there are also multi million dollar homes closeby. It's an island off by itself and it's a big time summer community. I honestly love this place but not enough to spend more than one more year here.

You don't need a 4 bedroom house. I had my house built in '91 for $81,400....3 bed, 2 full bath, 1/2 acre lot, double car garage. I took out a loan on my 401K (first time penalties) for $5000 to get into it.
I'm not considering buying a house in this area, I was just using it for comparison with the rent prices to show how expensive this area is. If I'm buying anywhere, it will probably be in Massachussetts.
we've got no contract here either, but we have letters from the landlord saying we can stay as long as we want. this alone measn nothing, but as we've been there for quite a while without a contract we effectively have squatters rights :)