

Well-Known Member
looks like i'm going to be buying a laptop (or notebook or whatever they call them now) in the near future.
i've been reading the spec sheets on-line and i can decipher about half of the number/letter combos.
i'll be using it mostly for web browsing and some gaming like MSN games and such. i doubt i'll use it for any commercial games as i havent bought one for the home computer since Diablo. if its not too much extra, might use it for music and watching DVDs. i have a Linksys wireless-G router hooked to the home computer. i'm guessing it will cover most of the house for wireless connectivity. i bought it originally for the playstation but havent used it for that purpose since just before we moved.

i'm hoping to spend less than $1k for it.
any suggestions or tips in what to look for would be appreciated.
i'd buy a core duo with 1GB of RAM, soon you'll start using the laptop as the main puter.
Luis G said:
i'd buy a core duo with 1GB of RAM, soon you'll start using the laptop as the main puter.
My brother just bought a Dell with those specs right at 1000 bucks. Note that a lowball dell now goes for $399.
Inkara1 said:
The bummer is that it's hard to find Centrino/Turion laptops for under a grand.

Unless you want to do a lot or mobile computing in locations without outlets why is that an issue?
It's nice to be able to pick up the computer and move to the other side of the couch without having to unplug it and plug it in at the new place... plus, less power consumption=less heat.
Inkara1 said:
It's nice to be able to pick up the computer and move to the other side of the couch without having to unplug it and plug it in at the new place... plus, less power consumption=less heat.

I have two hours battery life and I have never had to wish for more.
Mine's just under three hours... but keep in mind, using the DVD burner for either reading or (especially) writing goes through the battery faster.
Inkara1 said:
Mine's just under three hours... but keep in mind, using the DVD burner for either reading or (especially) writing goes through the battery faster.

Who burns DVD on the move?
If the drive's there, may as well use it. You never know when some bum at the train station will need a disc burned.
Well, it would be nice to be able to take the computer on the plane with you on a cross-country trip and have enough battery life for the whole trip.
Inkara1 said:
Well, it would be nice to be able to take the computer on the plane with you on a cross-country trip and have enough battery life for the whole trip.

How often do you fly across the country??

Again with the possible vs probable thing
Twice a day
thrice on weekends
once at lunchtime
I just greased and cleaned the space bar
o n m y 4 + y e a r o l d k e y b o a r d
i t i s w o r k i n g o h s o m u c h b e t t e r n o w
Wheel then why (to what end)
would ya wanna laptop
(notebooks are something all together different)

anyone know what has superseded those awesome

ultra-thin Sony Vaios from a few years back? oh there is is

there is only one processor for notebooks right now

Intel® Pentium® M Processor Ultra Low Voltage
Winky said:
Wheel then why (to what end)
would ya wanna laptop
(notebooks are something all together different)

anyone know what has supersededed those awesome

ultra-thin Sony Vaios from a few years back? oh there is is

there is only one processor for notebooks right now

Intel® Pentium® M Processor Ultra Low Voltage
I have an older one of those. PIII-850 with 256 megs of RAM and a 40GB Hdd. It's excellent. fits in my briefcase with all my other stuff in there, runs all my workaday proggys and even plays a movie once in a while. Oh yeah, weighs right next to nothing. Screens kinda small, but it's a trade off. Dave, the bigger the screen, the more it's going to weigh. Note also that they get HOT if you keep them on your lap very long.