

New Member
This is NOT funny, I can't talk, and my throat and chest hurt. Woke up New Years Day and my voice was gone, went yesterday to doc and laryngitis, and bronchitis.....WTF....anyone ever have their voice like this? I just want to be able to talk! :crying4:
I know of a few people that I wish would lose their voices for a little while. I sure could use a vacation.
I had a 4 day run of it myself a few months back. Its something thats sweeping across the nation like a small brush fire.

My major bout was back at 17 when I had strep throat. I lost the ability to speak for something like 18 days.
Mare said:
This is NOT funny, I can't talk, and my throat and chest hurt. Woke up New Years Day and my voice was gone, went yesterday to doc and laryngitis, and bronchitis.....WTF....anyone ever have their voice like this? I just want to be able to talk! :crying4:

Being speechless is a fine quality in a wife... :grinyes: j/k. I just hope you're back to your normal tone, and eloquence, post-haste. :D
I hate laryngitis. I haven't had it in a long time though. Try garglilng warm water to ease some of the pain and eat icecream and lots of cold stuff.
PrincessLissa said:
I hate laryngitis. I haven't had it in a long time though. Try garglilng warm [Spirit inserts..] SALT [/Spirit insert] water to ease some of the pain and eat icecream and lots of cold stuff.