LAUSD Denounces AZ's SB 1070


Well-Known Member
The LosAngeles Unified School District school board wants all public school students in the city to be taught that Arizona's new immigration law is un-American.

When the Supreme Court upholds the Arizona immigration law, who is going to teach the LA students that their School Board is a bunch of ignorant fools?

AZ's SB 1070 will never see the light of day.

I’m under the impression the law will be struck down.
Just as every other attempt to defend our nation has been…
An old fashioned pissing contest? Hmmmm. I don't's your prostate??

But, since you're not really a librul, what is the point?

However, I'm sure I can only aspire to some day enjoy a mere scintilla of the talent, drive, personal appeal, and work ethic that you possess. :worship: Oh, and add to that wish list the throngs of adoring fans who throw roses at your feet.

Oh he’s a commie Lib alright, don’t be fooled.

But he will never be a blue eyed blonde girl who sported
a Farrah Fawcett hair do back in the 70’s

But, since you're not really a librul, what is the point?

However, I'm sure I can only aspire to some day enjoy a mere scintilla of the talent, drive, personal appeal, and work ethic that you possess. :worship: Oh, and add to that wish list the throngs of adoring fans who throw roses at your feet.


right. lemme know if you wanna get off that sofa some day.
Seriously. With your upbeat personality, I'm surprised you're not selling self-improvement videos. :shrug:
Seriously. With your upbeat personality, I'm surprised you're not selling self-improvement videos. :shrug:

this isn't about my personality rather your ability to put something of substance behind the ideological stuffs that you spew left and right.

until then, you're the analog of the pudgy 12 year-old on the school playground who is an expert on all matters pertaining to seduction.
AZ's SB 1070, finished before it ever got out of the gate.

But we like yer spew!
You want to engage in some kind of PM one-upmanship game with me to prove to yourself that you are the stud that you think you are. Pathetic.
nope, i just want you to put your money where your mouth is. you talk like a hero of free market capitalism. prove it.

and if i really wanted 'upsmanship,' i wouldn't be suggesting PMs.

Librul hate list:

Old people
Gun owners
Religious people
Independent women
Independent blacks
Big business owners
Small business owners
Those who are pro-life
Those who are pro-choice (if they choose life)
Those who don't like ACORN
Those who oppose gay marriage
Those who respect the Constitution
Anyone who THINKS for themselves
Anyone who actually EARNS a living

Librul Luv List:

Big Government
apparently i hate myself in many ways.

well, better get my goggles to prepare for the splatter.