

New Member
Short question: when you are invited to a family member's home as a guest for a meal or a party and there are leftovers, do you ask to take some leftovers home? Or do you wait till they're offered? Or do you decline them even if they are offered because that's supposed to be the perk of being a host--a week of leftovers?

Long explination: My sister is hosting Father's Day at her house. She's inviting my family (including kids, 13 people) and her husband's family (another 8 people).

Usually the way it works is everyone brings something. Since Rusty and I aren't big cooks, we usually bring something like dessert or chips or soda/beer. Other people bring appetizers and things like that. My sister takes care of the other food-the bbq meat and such.

Since we live about an hour's drive away from her, we usually don't stay all that late. Her husband's family always stays later than we do so I never saw this happen but apparently, they dig through all her leftovers before they leave. And not just the things they brought, but the actual food-they leave with hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, desserts, even beer.

She never protests and when she's at their houses, they never offer to give her their leftovers. Her answer to this is to play out a scene for them. She's going to ask me if I want to take the leftover cookies that I'm bringing home with me and I'm going to say something like, "No no no, you keep them. I'm sure you can put them to use with the kids and besides, you were nice enough to invite us, you should be able to keep the spoils." or something to that effect.

Of course, if it was me, I would just tell them to take their grubby hands off my food. ;) But she likes a more subtle approach. She's my sis so I'll go along with it but it seems pretty silly to beat around the bush like that. I told her she should do the same to them when they invite her to their house but she can't bring herself to do it.

So what do you do? What would you say if your in-laws did that to you?
We've never faced that problem, the way around here is to offer equal parts of the leftovers to each one of the families, no matter if you brought it or not.

And if that doesn't happen, i don't ask for them.

btw, i assume you mean leftovers as in food not served to anyone and not as in the food remaining in the plates :sick:
I would hide ALL the baggies, saran wrap, foil and take home containers....anybody that wants to lop some potato salad in their purse is more than welcome to. :shrug::D
When we have a party here (which is often), the best part after the party is all the bottles of booze left over.. it never fails and certainly makes up for the inconvenience of a few hours' absolute mess in the place until the cleaning lady finishes up.. ;)

On a different track, when I was younger, leftovers is what you call the ugly chicks that the dweeby guys try to pick up after the studs have picked off all the hot chicks they wanted... :D
If someone offers, I feel it's impolite not to take something. On the other hand, I'm not offended when it's not offered, nor do I ask. There is one exception I just thought of; if something is exceptionally good, I'll ask if there might be extra, or if I can get the recipe. I'm not offended by getting turned down for either one though.
Luis G said:
We've never faced that problem, the way around here is to offer equal parts of the leftovers to each one of the families, no matter if you brought it or not.

That's how we do it too :shrug:
I never asked, don't think is needed. If someone ask something that is left at my house. I'd probably give it to him...
Whal *scratches belly* funny you should mention leftovers *pulls up belt*

They way it usually plays out up herebouts, is that, some people are known to espescially like certain things. Like Mum's girlfriend's boyfriend loves Mum's trifle. All leftovers automatically go to him. Pumpkin pie heads my way. Lemon cake goes to Mum. And so forth. People are expected to declare their tastes.

Other than that, there's a simple rule. The host clears the table after each course. Then it's hands off unless you ask. Period. Violaters get to do the dishes. All of them.

Meats rotate back to the supplier, unless other arrangements are made. Potatos and salads are destined for the compost heap.

Personally, I'd consider not inviting the gluttons.
Professur said:
Potatos and salads are destined for the compost heap.
....just so you know, and since Martha's busy being indicted....real mashed potatoes are the absolute best soup thickener.:headbang:
Squiggy said:
I just fill my pockets while no one is looking....
Last time I did that the only leftovers was the Jello Salad, THAT won't happen again. :erm:

We get offered leftovers alot with the kids, and sometimes we'll take them, but only if it's at my Mom's or Paula's Mom's. They both live alone and won't eat all the leftovers anyway. Anywhere else they have kids too, they usually don't offer, and I don't ask. The only exception would be if I brought a casserole dish, I'm taking the dish home, whether it's got food in it or not, I really don't care.

btw, I find it incredibly tacky that they go through the leftovers and help themselves, but that's just me.
Hey Greenie, not sure what all the fuss is for..........

Perhaps, consider this "possibility"......

A good host, will always offer, an' a good guest will never refuse!:D

If our host does not offer, no sense encumberin' ourselves to ask, an' if our guest refuses, no sense beggin' his reconsideration........jus' take it as God's sign to stock our own lunches for the next 2 days!:headbang:
if we invite, say, 10 people over, diana and/or her sister usually makes enough food for 30. everyone has learned to not eat all day and expect some leftovers.
Leftovers? You have leftovers... fat chance with my relatives! :eek:

It doesn't matter if there are 20 and I cook for 50... it all goes! If by some quirk of fate there are some leftovers I usually offer them. :)
a13antichrist said:

Note I said after the party..

That's preciselly why i said it. If there's booze left over, then it wasn't a very good party :p

Good party = plenty of alcohol (and never enough), and no left overs.