Leslie...and other people in Ontario


Where do you buy your car insurance? I need some names because I don't like the company I'm with right now.
I don't know cause I still live at home so my mom buys it. I think it's Certa or CIBC but I know that they are FAR cheaper than anywhere else she checked. I will find out for you.
State Farm, and they also offer lots of extras, but why don't you go with a broker, it could possibly get you a better rate.
State Farm doesn't take new people anymore.

Anyway the broker got us new insurance. For a Oldsmobile Silhouette and Toyota Echo, 4 drivers (my parents, my brother, and me), it is now just over $10,000 per year.... Dipshits.

Both my parents have a 25-year no claim record. My brother was in an accident that wasn't his fault, and I hit another car's rear (which was my fault though). I'm 19 and my brother is 16. /sigh Insurance in Ontario is the worst. It seems everyone that was in an accident claims money for a psychiatrist, doctor, massage therapy, physio, and blah blah blah, driving the insurance through the roof. :(
I thought Canada had nationwide healthcare coverage. Does that not include psychiatrists?
psychiatrists and physiotherapists are not covered. Some companies pay for those services for thier employees but some do not.
But 10,000 a year for Auto insurance? That's outrageous, I pay around 1,000 a year, for two vehicles, two drivers, I've had a couple accidents, wife has none.
Let's assume that's Canadian dollars, so more like 6200 US.

With a 16 and a 19 YO on the policy, I'm not shocked.
Yeah ... its financial suicide to have someone on the policy under the age of like 23 ... double so if theyve had an accident.
Car construction has become so wonky with crumple zones and monobody shells that a simple 5mph parking lot dinger requires a 3000$ repair. A simple scratch and a 1cm nudge requires a full rear crumple zone replace including the support mechanism. Combine that with the stat of teen drivers being responsible for the most and most horrendous accidents... teens are instantly a lost cause for insurance companies. I think each teen is statisticaly responsible for like 1 2/3 wrecks ea. averaging 5000$ apiece from 16-21. The insurance cost on a teen has to be about 2500$ a year just to break out of the spiral.
But NO. I have six kids, 14,13,12,11,9,and 7. What am I going to be paying for insurance in a few years? $20,000?

Maybe I just won't let them drive til they are 18, then they can pay for it, with their part time job at McD's while they are also shelling out 10,000 a year for college.
Do what my folks did. You get your first car only when you have a job. Your car payments, gas and insurance are your problems. I'll pay it, then you pay me. Fall short, and I take your coil wire until we're square.
Guess I won't complain next year when it comes time to renew.Here in B.C. there is no age discrimination,I pay under $88/mnth to insure a 98 Sonoma for the wife and I ,it wouldn't be any more $$ if someone under 23 drove it to.