Let them eat ... bugs?


Well-Known Member
Actually, insects, worms, and grubs have more protein than red meat ... even horsemeat.


U.N. Conference Promotes Insect-Eating for Everyone From Famine Victims to Astronauts
Sunday, February 24, 2008

CHIANG MAI, Thailand — Crickets, caterpillars and grubs are high in protein and minerals and could be an important food source during droughts and other emergencies, according to scientists.

Photos: Mmm! Bugs for Dinner

"I definitely think they can assist," said German biologist V.B. Meyer-Rochow, who regularly eats insects and wore a T-shirt with a Harlequin longhorn beetle to a U.N.-sponsored conference this month on promoting bugs as a food source.

Three dozen scientists from 15 countries gathered in this northern Thailand city, home to several dozen restaurants serving insects and other bugs. Some of their proposals were more down to earth than others.

fried crickets are and amazing snack, I ate one on a date, and finished off the whole bag cause they where so good.

Once you get passed the ick factor, you realize they taste good, and are a good source of food...don't let PETI tell you difefrent.
Gee, thanks... Lori always tries to tell me that shrimp are roaches of the sea. The last thing I need is more ammo for her.