Let's all gather


molṑn labé
Staff member
to watch chcr blow a gasket :D

How old is the world?

Most people would say: "Nobody knows."

But the author of the book frequently described as the greatest history book ever written, said the world was created Oct. 23, 4004 B.C. – making it exactly 6,009 last Monday.
The new edition of "Annals" is one of the most significant publishing events of the 21st century.

"The Annals of the World" is a necessary addition to any church library, pastor's library, or any library – public or personal.

With statements like these WND has made another giant leap confirming what a joke they are.
If you notice, I didn't put this story in the RW...it's in Entertainment.
Actually, the math works out quite well for the 4004 BC date. Some biblical literalists understand that the calender has been changed many times (yes, even the jewish one although many jews will argue the point) and that's where you get the figure varying from 6,000 to 15,000 or so years. I have more trouble with people who want the bible to be accepted as the literal word who don't believe the world is 6000 or so years old.