Let's emulate the Europeans


molṑn labé
Staff member
They are so, so, so, civilized, right? Welcome to the Kerry vision of America.

VERSAILLES, France - A young woman and her baby were attacked in a suburban train near Paris on Saturday by unidentified men who drew swastikas on her stomach with a pen in what police said was an anti-Semitic assault.


Piling on...

Larry King said:
KING: News of the day, Tom Ridge warned today about al Qaeda plans of a large-scale attack on the United States. Didn't increase the -- you see any politics in this? What's your reaction?

KERRY: Well, I haven't been briefed yet, Larry. They have offered to brief me. I just haven't had time.

More from Larry King is Alive

HEINZ-KERRY: I don't know. I think most Americans subconsciously believe something is going to happen. It's a matter of when. And it's a matter of how.

KING: Strange way to live, though.

HEINZ-KERRY: Yeah. But you know, Europeans have lived that way and other people around the world have lived that way. Americans have been very safe, at least as a nation.

So, the ketchuip queen who misses her real husband thinks we aren't Eurocentric enough & we need to live in fear daily, while her 2nd (rate) hubby, the one running for President,doesn't do one damned thing to correct that notion?

Not in my America.
What is so wrong with small gov't and lotsa legal gun owners?

Close the borders, give the control back to the people.

Screw Euro life, it's a nice place to visit, but . . .

( . . . or does this mean we could bathe weekly instead of daily?)
Gonz said:
So, the ketchuip queen who misses her real husband thinks we aren't Eurocentric enough & we need to live in fear daily
Interestingly, that's not what she said.

ResearchMonkey said:
( . . . or does this mean we could bathe weekly instead of daily?)
[french accent]Bathe? What is zis "bathe?"[/french accent]:D
chcr said:
Interestingly, that's not what she said.

Please, enlighten me old dude. What is your interpretation of
Europeans have lived that way and other people around the world have lived that way. Americans have been very safe, at least as a nation.
Gonz said:
Please, enlighten me old dude. What is your interpretation of
We've been lucky (well, up to 9-11).

Nowhere does she suggest or imply that she wants us to emulate the Europeans or "live in fear daily." I don't have any idea how you get to what you paraphrased from what you quoted. As far as I could tell they were totally unrelated. It was the only reason I mentioned it. Perhaps there's another quote? More to that one?
It's OK CH
You'd have to have heard the piece that
Rush did on this to fully understand.

"Europeans have lived that way and other people around the world have lived that way."

RUSH: All right, you want me to translate this for you? This is classic liberalism. The Europeans pay five bucks a gallon; so should we. It's not fair. The Europeans undergo terrorist attacks; so should we. We are unreasonable, the Americans. We have unreasonable expectations. Our expectations are too high. The idea that we should live in peace without these constant threats? We're not being realistic. We've got to get with it, folks. We've got to get with the real world. The rest of the world lives under torture. The rest of the world lives under constant threat of attack. The real world lives with a lot less prosperity than we have. We don't know how good we've got it. We've got to be more like them. That is classic liberalism, folks. That is classic.
I'm scared. I actually had that translation in my mind before old Rushbo.

I'll tell you why I interpret it that way. Her husband has made it clear that we need more investment in/with the UN. He has voted consistently with dethroning the US military & making our intel agencies passe. They are the kind of people that belive that Europeans are "more advanced" than the hicks of the new world. Rephrase that-he has shown himself to be that kind of person...I don't know much about her. Either way, when somebody else has to live in fear of terror due to an enlarged yet weak government then in the ideologies of the socialist movement, we should all share the pain.
Gonz said:
I'm scared. I actually had that translation in my mind before old Rushbo.

I'll tell you why I interpret it that way. Her husband has made it clear that we need more investment in/with the UN. He has voted consistently with dethroning the US military & making our intel agencies passe. They are the kind of people that belive that Europeans are "more advanced" than the hicks of the new world. Rephrase that-he has shown himself to be that kind of person...I don't know much about her. Either way, when somebody else has to live in fear of terror due to an enlarged yet weak government then in the ideologies of the socialist movement, we should all share the pain.
Ah, so then it didn't have anything to do with what was actually said?
Gonz said:
I don't know much about her.

Well if you did you'd be afraid very afraid!
If Billary was an emarassment then Ms. Heinz
will make us all ashamed to call ourselves Americans
for four years!!! Good Lord the things that have already
come out of that woman’s mouth. This is merely another example. Candleface!
Follow the bouncing ball

Sen. John Kerry's campaign proposals would result in $226 billion in higher spending in the first year of his presidency, including an additional $115 billion in social welfare, foreign aid, and environmental and energy costs, according to a study of his budgetary recommendations.

The study by the National Taxpayers Union Foundation (NTUF), which will be released later this week, finds that Mr. Kerry's budget proposals, which he says would slash the deficit in half over four years, would increase spending well beyond his estimates.

"Despite Kerry's attempts to outflank Bush on the deficit issue and portray himself as the more fiscally responsible candidate, the data behind Kerry's rhetoric tell a different story," said Drew Johnson, the study's author.

Washington Times
Gonz said:
They are so, so, so, civilized, right? Welcome to the Kerry vision of America.


Piling on...

More from Larry King is Alive

So, the ketchuip queen who misses her real husband thinks we aren't Eurocentric enough & we need to live in fear daily, while her 2nd (rate) hubby, the one running for President,doesn't do one damned thing to correct that notion?

Not in my America.
New news on the French woman...she lied. Perhaps she's trying to be like a certain college student in the US... :hmm:
So, does that mean Europeons want to be more like democrat American presidents?