Lets get to the meat of the matter


molṑn labé
Staff member
All these gays should/shouldn't marry threads have led to the inevitable thread...is marriage threatened? Has the nuclear family been irradiated? Has Ozzy & Harriet become Ozzy & Sharon? Is it good/bad for the country, either way? Have we traded white picket fences for consecutive medium terms partnerships? Can you keep your fly zipped long enough to get a last, or possibly a middle, name?

What have we become?

Data suggest that men and women are waiting longer, if at all, to get married. The percentage of married white women declined from 67 percent in 1950 to 57 percent in 2000. The percentage of married black women fell further, from 62 percent to 36 percent. In 2000, 73 percent of all American women in their early 20s had not yet married compared with 36 percent in 1970.

From a FoxNews investigative report.
the Osbournes are a happy family gonz. i dont know why youd mention them as a bad family or whatever. and no family is not threatened. just chaning.
Gonz said:
See, told ya so

Actually, Gonz, as modern families go, at least the Osbourne's have stuck together, no matter what. Ozzy and Sharon are faithful to each other, and, at least on camera, are taking an interest in their children's lives. Look beyond the barrage of explicatives, and you'll see what I'm talking about. While I hardly agree with how they speak, I sometimes agree with how they act and interact with each other.
I had no problem with their particular vernacular...we aren't much better in my house. They did however decide that doing drugs & sex was okay with them & look what happened to the boy. Both kids are egocentric snobs (most are but these are worse) & they have no idea where the line in the sand is drawn. Ozzy & Sharon were friends, not parents. Too bad. They do however make a great example of how bad parenting goes wrong.
Gonz said:
I had no problem with their particular vernacular...we aren't much better in my house. They did however decide that doing drugs & sex was okay with them & look what happened to the boy. Both kids are egocentric snobs (most are but these are worse) & they have no idea where the line in the sand is drawn. Ozzy & Sharon were friends, not parents. Too bad. They do however make a great example of how bad parenting goes wrong.
I disagree, Gonz. In several episodes, I've seen Ozzy being a 'dad'. I've also seen that his kids are no worse than the other rich kids you see now-adays. Take a look at those kids in Vegas, for instance, and you'll see that, perhaps, Ozzy's kids didn't turn out as bad as you think.
Gonz said:
I had no problem with their particular vernacular...we aren't much better in my house. They did however decide that doing drugs & sex was okay with them & look what happened to the boy. Both kids are egocentric snobs (most are but these are worse) & they have no idea where the line in the sand is drawn. Ozzy & Sharon were friends, not parents. Too bad. They do however make a great example of how bad parenting goes wrong.

Worse than mine, certainly (I think, maybe you don't realize when they're yours). Probably worse than yours. Worse than most? I don't think so. About as bad though. Re the family and marriage, just like everything else, society evolves too. We don't always like it, unfortunately that's not going to make it stop.
Gonz said:
I had no problem with their particular vernacular...we aren't much better in my house. They did however decide that doing drugs & sex was okay with them & look what happened to the boy. Both kids are egocentric snobs (most are but these are worse) & they have no idea where the line in the sand is drawn. Ozzy & Sharon were friends, not parents. Too bad. They do however make a great example of how bad parenting goes wrong.

thats odd cause they seem to love and support their kids which is what good parents do. i could understand if you made reference to their past esp Ozzys drinking and drug use and such. but otherwise a good family