All these gays should/shouldn't marry threads have led to the inevitable marriage threatened? Has the nuclear family been irradiated? Has Ozzy & Harriet become Ozzy & Sharon? Is it good/bad for the country, either way? Have we traded white picket fences for consecutive medium terms partnerships? Can you keep your fly zipped long enough to get a last, or possibly a middle, name?
What have we become?
From a FoxNews investigative report.
What have we become?
Data suggest that men and women are waiting longer, if at all, to get married. The percentage of married white women declined from 67 percent in 1950 to 57 percent in 2000. The percentage of married black women fell further, from 62 percent to 36 percent. In 2000, 73 percent of all American women in their early 20s had not yet married compared with 36 percent in 1970.
From a FoxNews investigative report.