Letterman Lawyers Fight Restraining Order


Well-Known Member
Wednesday December 21 4:25 PM ET

Lawyers for David Letterman want a judge to quash a restraining order granted to a Santa Fe woman who contends the CBS late-night host used code words to show he wanted to marry her and train her as his co-host.

A state judge granted a temporary restraining order to Colleen Nestler, who alleged in a request filed last Thursday that Letterman has forced her to go bankrupt and caused her "mental cruelty" and "sleep deprivation" since May 1994.

Nestler requested that Letterman, who tapes his show in New York, stay at least 3 yards away and not "think of me, and release me from his mental harassment and hammering."


Lawyers for Letterman, in a motion filed Tuesday, contend the order is without merit and asked state District Judge Daniel Sanchez to quash it.

"Celebrities deserve protection of their reputation and legal rights when the occasional fan becomes dangerous or deluded," Albuquerque lawyer Pat Rogers wrote in the motion.

Nestler told The Associated Press by telephone Wednesday that she had no comment pending her request for a permanent restraining order "and I pray to God I get it."

Sanchez set a Jan. 12 hearing on the permanent order.

Letterman's longtime Los Angeles lawyer, Jim Jackoway, said Nestler's claims were "obviously absurd and frivolous."

"This constitutes an unfortunate abuse of the judicial process," he said.

Nestler's application for a restraining order was accompanied by a six-page typed letter in which she said Letterman used code words, gestures and "eye expressions" to convey his desires for her.

She wrote that she began sending Letterman "thoughts of love" after his "Late Show" began in 1993, and that he responded in code words and gestures, asking her to come East.

She said he asked her to be his wife during a televised "teaser" for his show by saying, "Marry me, Oprah." Her letter said Oprah was the first of many code names for her and that the coded vocabulary increased and changed with time.

Her letter does not say why she recently sought a restraining order.

Rogers' motion to quash the order contends the court lacks jurisdiction over Letterman, that Nestler never served him with restraining order papers, and that she didn't meet other procedural requirements.


One simple question. What kind of judge hears a case like this, and grants a temp. restraining order instead of sending the applicant for testing?
I rolled with laughter when I heard this on the television this morning. This woman needs a restraining order. One that restrains her from watching television!!! She also needs a padded room! :evilcool:
Letterman has forced her to go bankrupt and caused her "mental cruelty" and "sleep deprivation" since May 1994.
Interesting, that coincides with when Letterman drove me to insanity and financial ruin in the summer of '94, when they layed me off. Can two people comprise a class action lawsuit?

But what's with Letterman and all the nutty women who are after him? There was that loon in Connecticut (I believe it was) who would break into his home and pretend to be his wife. I think she's since died. Freaky. :alienhuh:
Professur said:
One simple question. What kind of judge hears a case like this, and grants a temp. restraining order instead of sending the applicant for testing?

That's what I was wondering. The pisser is, the order has to be completely stricken from the record or Dave loses all kinds of rights (abiltiy to own a gun, for one) because of a stoned & stupid judge.
A state judge granted a temporary restraining order to Colleen Nestler, who alleged in a request filed last Thursday that Letterman has forced her to go bankrupt and caused her "mental cruelty" and "sleep deprivation" since May 1994.

Nestler requested that Letterman, who tapes his show in New York, stay at least 3 yards away and not "think of me, and release me from his mental harassment and hammering."


Letterman's longtime Los Angeles lawyer, Jim Jackoway, said Nestler's claims were "obviously absurd and frivolous."

"This constitutes an unfortunate abuse of the judicial process," he said.

God help us all. How does someone this everloving stupid become a judge?

This woman is quite clearly delusional if not full blown schizophrenic. The symptoms she exhibits are classic instances of thought broadcasting, which is a diagnoistic criteria for paranoid schizophrenia.

And why do all these nutso fans get sweaty thighed over the ugly celebrities?
abooja said:
Interesting, that coincides with when Letterman drove me to insanity and financial ruin in the summer of '94, when they layed me off. Can two people comprise a class action lawsuit?

But what's with Letterman and all the nutty women who are after him? There was that loon in Connecticut (I believe it was) who would break into his home and pretend to be his wife. I think she's since died. Freaky. :alienhuh:

She didn't die. Letterman had her killed. :devious: Good thing, too, as she was about to reveal the secrets of YEESHBAH to the general population...:D
Inkara1 said:
I wonder why she couldn't have just watched Leno instead.

What??? Are you insane? Next you'll be suggesting that how a woman dresses might have something to do with them being sexually harassed. She has the right to watch whatever channel she chooses without being harassed by someone who's never met her. I mean, what if her TV only gets one channel and Letterman's on it? What if the batteries in the remote are dead? Surely you don't expect her to get off her fat ass and walk all the way across the room to the TV do you?

Gato_Solo said:
She didn't die. Letterman had her killed. :devious: Good thing, too, as she was about to reveal the secrets of YEESHBAH to the general population...:D
Weirdo. :grinno:
SouthernN'Proud said:
God help us all. How does someone this everloving stupid become a judge?
Simple, he knows somebody who knows somebody. That's the way that the world goes around. :shrug:
Professur said:
What??? Are you insane? Next you'll be suggesting that how a woman dresses might have something to do with them being sexually harassed. She has the right to watch whatever channel she chooses without being harassed by someone who's never met her. I mean, what if her TV only gets one channel and Letterman's on it? What if the batteries in the remote are dead? Surely you don't expect her to get off her fat ass and walk all the way across the room to the TV do you?

I'm sure Santa Fe has more than one station.