Leukemia Charity Walk


Staff member
I am doing a charity walk for the Leukemia Division of Princess Margaret Hospital here in Toronto on Sunday Septemer 26, 2004. This is the hospital where my dad was treated for leukemia during the 11months between the time he was diagnosed and when he died on Jan. 23, 2004.

If anyone would like to sponser me for this 5km walk (which my mom and my brother are also doing...we're doing it together as a family in memory of my dad) I am including a link to a page where you can make donations via credit card and they automatically get added to my total pledges.

To make a donation you can go here and to go to the main page for the walk and read all about it you can go here .

Thank you in advance to anyone who decides to sponsor me. It means a lot to me, my family and leukemia patients everywhere because this money will not only be used in the care of leukemia patients in Toronto but it will also be used in research which benefits patients all over the world :)

Also, anyone who is going to be at the BBQ or who I will be seeing in Montreal if you would like to sponsor me but would prefer to do it by cheque or cash you can do that too when I see you :)
I do one for cancer and one for the National Heart Ass'n every year. Helps raise money and awareness and leaves you with a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling. :D
On Aug. 12 my work had a team in the "Big Bike for heart and stroke" fundraiser...both my mom and myself were on the team. Each person collected pledges and then on event day we all rode this huge bike! It was 10 seats long and 3 seats wide...and had four wheels like car wheels and everyone peddled to make it move and someone from the organization sat in the seat in the front where the steering wheel is and drove it. It was really awesome. Our team raised over $3000 and most of us rode again after because the Fortinos teams showed up and they only had like 9 or 10 people and you need atleast 20 on the bike or there isn'[t enough power...so my mom and I did it again :D

This one hits a little closer to home though...it's a bit more personal.