Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto


Well-Known Member
Mark Levin's #1 NYT non-fiction best seller for 11 of 12 weeks. 18th printing. Close to 1 million sold.

Liberty and Tyranny 10 Conservative Principles

From the back cover:

"We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others, the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men's labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name---liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names---liberty and tyranny."
~ Abraham Lincoln, 1864

Liberty and Tyranny artfully presents a harmonious marriage of the timeless with the timely. On the one hand, the book is a thorough yet compact briefing on the major political issues of this era. On the other hand, the author brings to bear the principles of the American Founders and Framers of the Constitution (and the great thinkers who guided them), illustrating, dissecting, and explaining our current political arguments, while enlightening the reader with the genuine wisdom bequeathed to all of us -- the sacred trust of the Founders, embodied in the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and Federalist Papers, all of which are quoted and applied with insight and precision.

Levin’s book couldn’t have been more timely —a time when it seems that Republicans must define conservatism so that Americans all around them can understand the concepts

And this is what Levin wants Americans to understand when he writes on page 15, “The Conservative must accept that the Statist does not share his passion for liberty and all the good that flows from it. The Statist does not acknowledge the tremendous benefits to society from the individual pursuits of tens of millions of others. The Statist rejects the Founders’ idea of the dignity of the individual, who can flourish through ordered liberty, for one rooted in unpredictability, irrationality and ultimately, tyranny.”

Again, hope is making a comeback. ;)

This book has been number one on the New York Times best sellers list for quite some time now. I can imagine how it must grate on their nerves to have to print that.
Are we now a book club? No point in advertising unless there's something to talk about.
The discussion is this: Conservative books, on conservative topics, by Conservative authors sell.

Liberal authors do not fare nearly as well as conservative authors.
It looks like liberal authors do much better than conservative authors overall. And they write more books.
And the fact that it has sold so well in 3 months, with no help -- no reviews whatsoever from the lamestream media -- means that people are waking up and becoming aware that the conservatism, freedom and liberty that established this this Republic is being manipulated by the left's agenda of chipping away at it's Constitutional foundations.

Levin worked in the Reagan admin. and is a lawyer. Among his books is Men In Black: How The Supreme Court is Destroying America Here's his website:

Click the audio and from the show links to get the flavor. :brow:
Is that an opinion or do you have something to back it up?

You're talking to Jim right?

being manipulated by the left's agenda of chipping away at it's Constitutional foundations.

Oh, another alarmist blowhard that ignores that it's the right that's been chipping away at the Constitution. :rolleyes:

This is like an infomercial thread. How fun.

I'm going to have to post some threads featuring some products you can buy on Amazon.
Maybe someone can post a thread featuring a nonfiction book by a librul author that one can purchase anywhere that does now or has done as well as Levin's (3 months, nearly 1 mil. sold, w/o mainstream advertising, #1 for 3 months.). If that person can find any.


The Washington Post
Publishing Industry's Right Turn; Strong Sales by Conservative Authors Spawn New Imprints
The Washington Post | May 21, 2003| Hillel Italie | . This material is published under license from the Washington Post. All inquiries regarding rights should be directed to the Washington Post.

The success of Ann Coulter, Michael Savage and other conservative authors has led the publishing industry to turn more to the right.

The operators of the Book-of-the-Month Club announced today that they are forming a new club, as yet unnamed, devoted to works with a conservative point of view. Within the past month, Penguin Putnam and the Crown Publishing Group have started conservative imprints.

"We don't think we've done enough in this area," says Mel Parker, senior vice president and editorial director of Bookspan, which runs the Book-of-the-Month Club and several other clubs. "We have ...

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Joe Scarborough Conservative Bashing Book Tour Flops Bigtime
Posted by Internet Guru
June 20, 2009

Your humble correspondent feels obligated to warn you about the article you are about to see. It is a harsh but brutally honest review written by Brian Maloney of The Radio Equalizer about Joe Scarborough’s new book, The Last Best Hope: Restoring Conservatism and America’s Promise. Certain members of the reading audience may experience a strange tingling sensation while reading the review. Should you require require medical assistance while looking at the review, a registered nurse is standing by in the lobby:

Over the past several weeks, this site has been tracking the attempt by MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough to make money bashing his former friends in any and every available public venue. With a new book to peddle, could attacking onetime colleagues from his conservative days fuel sales? New data from the publishing world, as well as radio and TV, provide the answer.

To promote the release, the former GOP congressman turned radio and TV host appeared on left-leaning television shows such as The View and did interviews with the New York Times and Newsweek. Each time, he was quick to bash Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich, and other key conservative figures.

In recent years, Scarborough has found that turning against fellow Republicans could be good for the pocketbook, securing him the morning gig at MSNBC and a syndicated talk show airing on WABC / New York and elsewhere.​

OUCH! I don’t know about you but I am already experience that strange tingling sensation… NURSE!

But in new data released late this week, Scarborough has struck out in every category: TV, radio and publishing. His widely-touted The Last Best Hope: Restoring Conservatism and America’s Promise has bombed, selling just 6432 copies since its 9 June release, according to new Bookscan figures. At Amazon, it has already dropped out of the top 100, currently ranked 166.​

No, you’re wrong, Brian! And outdated. The most recent check at Amazon shows that Scarborough’s book has now plunged to #189 in book sales despite seemingly endless promotion for it on MSNBC and the rest of the tube.

By contrast, conservative author Mark Levin remained in first place after three full months, according to Bookscan, selling another 35,595 units to push closer to a possible one million sales mark in the weeks and months to come.​

And that was with relatively little promotion. But tell us, Brian, how is Scarborough’s radio show doing?

So you found an article that claims the publishing industry has turned more to the right than it used to be and another that a conservatives book has flopped.

What was the point there?
So you found an article that claims the publishing industry has turned more to the right than it used to be and another that a conservatives book has flopped.

You were challenged on your contention and you flipped it over to me. I had the guts to run with it while you hid in the bushes.

What was the point there?

Scarborough is not a Conservative. He flipped to the dark side long ago. Haven't you been paying attention?
You were challenged on your contention and you flipped it over to me. I had the guts to run with it while you hid in the bushes.

Wait, you had the guts not to prove your claim? Run into a wall while not supporting the claim you made?

Scarborough is not a Conservative. He flipped to the dark side long ago. Haven't you been paying attention?

I have been paying attention. Scarborough is not a Liberal. He is a Republican.

Definitely more of a Conservative. You're not paying attention.