life decision to be made by tomorrow noon


Staff member
I was offered out of the blue a really pretty good job (for me) today. Inbound call centre, big cell company. Good money, part time hours, can get to it fairly easily, good name on the resume for later.

But. I'm a single mom, and it's 6pm to ten or midnight weekdays, and Saturdays. Not every day mind you, but most of em. I will be able to take the kids to and pick them up from school, throw them dinner and leave. Saturday evenings I'll be home, every other sunday they're with their dad. The rest of their time will be at school or with a sitter.
So. Do I take the good future boding job so we have Christmas money and i'm moving forward for the future but the kids will never see their mom?
I'm worried it'll mess em up having noone save a teenager for all those hours every day.
It kind of depends on the teenager. It also depends on just how badly you need the money, how old your kids are how well rounded they are. Honestly, i don't think anyone but you can answer this one Leslie as only you know the depths of the situation.
The 10 year old has told me that he thinks we need the money more than it would suck so i should take it.
Sharky said:
Is there any chance that they might move you to day shift in the near future?
I don't think so...but with that on my resume...I'm more likely in a year to get one equally as good more suitable.

there aren't jobs around here for me that aren't evenings/weekends really...this is an extra high-paying one. so...I think I gotta.

it's either that or stay home and stay dirt poor.
Leslie said:
I don't think so...but with that on my resume...I'm more likely in a year to get one equally as good more suitable.

there aren't jobs around here for me that aren't evenings/weekends really...this is an extra high-paying one. so...I think I gotta.

it's either that or stay home and stay dirt poor.

Difficult schedule beats poordom any day.

Good luck, whichever direction you take! :cool:
The less time your children spend with a non-parent the better. Can't get during school hours?
I feel that way too Gonz. Not much out there just days. everything is open all the time now...I'm not 'qualified' yet for a 9-5 in an office...or if I am there are a bajillion others who are more. I guess I'm lookin at this as a door opener. Trying to find the line where it's better for us than it is bad for them.
How abot overnights? Let the kids sleep while a stranger verifies the house doesn't burn down & you sleep while they are in school.
new job, I gotta take what they offer or not take it at all :eh:. but you're that I've calmed down the guilt thing, I don't *think* it'll be that bad. I can only hope, and if it's that awful, start lookin for something better.
Well, the good news is that *once* you're employed, it's way easier to get another job. It's just that initial push that's fuckin' hard. If I were you, I'd take it. Even if it doesn't work out, you can just quit.
I think that's what I've decided to do, take it, stick it out till Christmas, see how it goes, and I'll figure out then what I'm gonna do about it.
Is there anyone else who can look after the kids whilst you are working? At that age they'd only be up a couple of hours before bed?
I have a bevy of sitters here, I live in a townhouse complex so it's fairly easy to make friends with the mommies and figure out which are sitter material.

But, the job made my decision for me. They called today and said that they had restructured their plans, and their needs had changed, and would I be able to guarantee availiability from 4pm-midnight daily. That did it, I said no. So, I'm back on the pile of resumes for part time. :eh:

Thanks for the stress for nothin silly corporate people :eek6:
well good luck getting the other job

*good luck hug* sorry you couldnt get the job at the cell place