Like a good dose of the clap...


Southern Discomfort
He's Baaa-aaack!

The California atheist who unsuccessfully sued to get the phrase “under God” out of the Pledge of Allegiance is back with a new version of the same suit and another one seeking to prevent members of the clergy from praying at President Bush's inauguration, reports Religion News Service.

Newdow refiled the pledge suit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California on Monday. In the new case, Newdow has been joined in the suit by three families who include atheists and claim they are offended "to have their government and its agents advocating for a religious view they each specifically decry."

Newdow says he also filed suit in a Washington district court to try to stop clergy from uttering prayers at President Bush's Jan. 20 inauguration. He said in the filing that such prayers make him feel like a "second-class citizen."


[SnP standing on soapbox] Maybe that's because you ARE a second class citizen, you nitwit!

Since when does an entire nation have to bend over to keep from offending a small group of its citizens? America is founded on freedom of religion among other notions. Nowhere does it state that every single religious viewpoint shall be catered to. If you choose atheism, that's fine; no one will persecute you for the choice. But to demand that your choice prevail over another is too much.

I do not agree with a lot of religions and/or their rituals. I will support their right to exist and be practiced until the last drop of blood flows from my body. But I do not have to endorse their teachings.

Is it going to harm any person in any real way if a prayer is said at the inauguration of the president?

Sometimes, there just ain't enough bullets to go around...

[/SnP standing on soapbox]
Just my thoughts on the matter...

Atheists do not believe in the existence of a deity, or deities. That is the definition of being an atheist. This brings my next point up. If you don't believe in something, then why do you have such a problem with it? I'm sure they don't believe in Santa Claus, but you don't see them protesting everybody wearing that red suit...Same difference, right?
I'm an atheist, and I think this guy is an utter schmuck. I'm not at all offended by God or anyone who believes in him/her. I acknowledge that the U.S. was founded by people with strong religious beliefs. I think the Bible has a lot to offer in terms of morality lessons, though I dislike when it's taken literally and/or used to oppress certain people. I don't believe "God" should be removed from historical documents or governmental traditions.

This idiot trying to force his lack of belief on the country is as bad as a religious zealot trying to persecute someone for not believing.
abooja said:
I'm an atheist, and I think this guy is an utter schmuck. I'm not at all offended by God or anyone who believes in him/her. I acknowledge that the U.S. was founded by people with strong religious beliefs. I think the Bible has a lot to offer in terms of morality lessons, though I dislike when it's taken literally and/or used to oppress certain people. I don't believe "God" should be removed from historical documents or governmental traditions.

This idiot trying to force his lack of belief on the country is as bad as a religious zealot trying to persecute someone for not believing.

Hmmm...Sounds like you've got quite a head on your shoulders. I happen to believe in God, but I don't believe in religion.

Anyway...If something doesn't exist, according to him, then why should he have a problem with the words and acts surrounding another's faith that that thing does exist? I don't think he's an atheist. I think he's a putz. He's not important (big) enough to be a schmuck. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
I think he's a putz. He's not important (big) enough to be a schmuck. ;)
I didn't know a schmuck was larger than a putz. Going to have to check that with some Jewish friends of mine... :D
abooja said:
I didn't know a schmuck was larger than a putz. Going to have to check that with some Jewish friends of mine... :D

Better not...that implies a religious connotation to the definition. Can't have that now, can we?
I can't see this flying very far. Even if it did get to the Supreme Court, he's talking about the Consistution here, the same Constitution that allows him to be an Athiest. I wish he would go over to Saudi Arabia and try this crap....
abooja said:
I'm an atheist, and I think this guy is an utter schmuck. I'm not at all offended by God or anyone who believes in him/her. I acknowledge that the U.S. was founded by people with strong religious beliefs. I think the Bible has a lot to offer in terms of morality lessons, though I dislike when it's taken literally and/or used to oppress certain people. I don't believe "God" should be removed from historical documents or governmental traditions.

This idiot trying to force his lack of belief on the country is as bad as a religious zealot trying to persecute someone for not believing.
PostCode said:
I can't see this flying very far. Even if it did get to the Supreme Court, he's talking about the Consistution here, the same Constitution that allows him to be an Athiest. I wish he would go over to Saudi Arabia and try this crap....

Same thing goes with the 'holiday season' thing.....whats the deal with that? Why can't some of the larger US based corps say the actual word 'Christmas' in their advertising? The US may be a multifaith nation but it IS predominantly Christian, no? So I'm sorry but the 'I'm offended by that but you must respect my beliefs' crap doesn't fly with me.....

In other words he can get stuffed.
abooja said:
I'm an atheist, and I think this guy is an utter schmuck. I'm not at all offended by God or anyone who believes in him/her. I acknowledge that the U.S. was founded by people with strong religious beliefs. I think the Bible has a lot to offer in terms of morality lessons, though I dislike when it's taken literally and/or used to oppress certain people. I don't believe "God" should be removed from historical documents or governmental traditions.

This idiot trying to force his lack of belief on the country is as bad as a religious zealot trying to persecute someone for not believing.

Three for three.

seeking to prevent members of the clergy from praying at President Bush's inauguration
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;...
How about another amendment. "Any challenges made to the constitution that are found to be at odds will require that the challenger be summarily executed upon the Supreme Court's decision to dismiss the case".
"See that wall with the ten-comandments on it? ...thats for the christians. See that wall with nothing on it? ....that one is for you. Have a nice day Mr Newdow"
I posted this around 2-1/2 years ago on another board (happened to save it), but it still applies:
I think all U.S. currency should be recalled and replaced with new U.S. currency that doesn't reference God.

I think the President should take his inaugural address by swearing on his mother's life, not God.

I think all bibles and other religious documents, as well as all references to a God or gods in all books, should be removed from all American public libraries.

I think that parents should be prevented by law from sending their impressionable young children to religious instructions. (Who do they think they are?)

I think all churches, synagogues, mosques and other houses of worship should be forced, by law, to remove all references to God and worship from the facades of their buildings, where impressionable young children (and some adults) might publically traverse.

I think Congress should pass a law banning the public utterance of the words "God", "Jesus", "Allah" and other religious icons. The punishment for this infraction should be a public flogging with the associated book of worship.

I think the growing of either francincense or myrrh should be banned on American soil.

I think Grammy awards should be taken away from a recording artist if said artist thanks a religious icon in his or her acceptance speech.

I think this thread should be blotted out immediately, for impressionable young people also traverse these boards and may be unduly influenced by all the religiosity.
Since when does an entire nation have to bend over to keep from offending a small group of its citizens?

Since the mid-eighties, I think. I didn't pay as much attention to politics then as I do now, but it certainly has gotten exponentially worse.

This brings my next point up. If you don't believe in something, then why do you have such a problem with it?

Excellent point. My personal favorite is the "In God We Trust" on money problem. As long as they keep taking it, I could give a fuck what it says. After all, it's got pagan symbols on it too. As you say, if you don't believe it, why do you care. The whole special interest business has gotten out of hand. :shrug:
Why take God off the money when we can just take Christians out of the parade?

A Christian group is accusing the U.S. Secret Service of religious discrimination and censorship for issuing a memo that bans Christian crosses from the presidential inauguration parade later this month.

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, director of the Washington, D.C.-based Christian Defense Coalition, contends the Secret Service has "trampled the First Amendment and crushed religious freedom in the public square."

he cetainly has a lot of time on his hands. too much time. I dont care for him and I do wish he would shut up.

and for RMs post:

To our Christian friends: Happy Holidays
To our African friends: Happy Kwanza
To our Atheist friends: Have a nice day
Here's an even better greeting freak

Mery Christmas.

To those offended....