L'il help?


New Member
So, my Father-in-law's wife let her son use her machine, and he managed to riddle it with spyware.

I got rid of most of it, but something's still in there that Spybot and Ad-aware won't identify or kill. Any suggestions before I restore her 2 week old back-up on other proggies to use? She uses this box for business, so that would be a tangible blow.
Is it making pop ups? POssibly adding a toolbar to IE? Links on favorites/on the desktop?
I'd backup, uncompressed to another partition/drive if she has space.
Then do the restore, and let her pull the files for work she needs, and
put them back where she wants.
After about a week or 2, when it seems everything needed is back to where
it needs to be, then delete the backup folder. I say a week or 2 because
usually later on something else might be missed.
cwshredder Coolwebsearch is a nasty little fucker. Haven't completely gotten rid of it yet.
HomeLAN said:
So, my Father-in-law's wife let her son use her machine, and he managed to riddle it with spyware.

I got rid of most of it, but something's still in there that Spybot and Ad-aware won't identify or kill. Any suggestions before I restore her 2 week old back-up on other proggies to use? She uses this box for business, so that would be a tangible blow.

Well, if she's willing to spend a few bucks, I use Pest Patrol at work (and at home, but never mind that). I find it pretty thorough.
Have you run those spyware programs from safe mode?.. sometimes it gets out more that way.

Does this help? I had CWS a while ago and HT just couldn't finish it off, I found this VX2Finder program (don't remember where exactly nor can I find it again :eek: ) and d/led it and ran it and it worked and haven't had the annoying look2me popunders since. I can't attach it here (why'd zips get disabled?) but if you E-mail me I can send it to you if you'd like.
Tons o' popups. I haven't been able to get back over there, and probably won't for a bit, but I'll try HT, and I definitely want the proggy you're using, SL. My profile e-mail works.

I did run the programs in safe mode, but it still is leaving remnants.

Thanks a lot, folks. I appreciate the help.
Was the first post you linked to in the Bomb Shelter or mod's hideout? It won't let me see it.
oops sorry bout that. *is a retard*

here - OSLI posted this...I don't think he'll mind lol
I downloaded spybot, and it found and removed some stupid-ass spyware program, but that didn't stop the pop-ups. I checked windows messenger, and sure enough I hadn't disabled it on this particular machine (my server). I'm guessing the spyware sent my IP to whatever lame ad company was responsible and they used messenger to pelt me with ads.
www.mozilla.org ;)

If they are computer iliterate (I assume they are) they won't mind using mozilla instead of IE, just make sure to tell them about their new browser, and install them java, flash and shockwave player, that'd do for most users.

Another possible solution, are you sure that the popups are not caused by the messenger service? (make sure it is disabled anyway)
Mozilla quit working for me. Every time I start it up it closes and pops up a window with "the program had to close, an error log is being generated." So now I'm back on IE.

As for the Windows Messenger service (not to be confused with MSN Messenger), you don't have to have any spyware to get ads on it. Some computer somewhere sends messages out to a crapload of IPs all at once in hopes some of them display. It's kind of like random e-mail address generators spammers use.
Luis G said:
If they are computer iliterate (I assume they are) they won't mind using mozilla instead of IE, just make sure to tell them about their new browser, and install them java, flash and shockwave player, that'd do for most users.

Until they come across a website that says "best viewed in IE or Netscape versions xx.xx,then it'll be but we don't have either ,we better call Homelan .
Inkara1 said:
As for the Windows Messenger service (not to be confused with MSN Messenger), you don't have to have any spyware to get ads on it. Some computer somewhere sends messages out to a crapload of IPs all at once in hopes some of them display. It's kind of like random e-mail address generators spammers use.

Yeah, but it's easy to disable.
Luis G said:
www.mozilla.org ;)

If they are computer iliterate (I assume they are) they won't mind using mozilla instead of IE, just make sure to tell them about their new browser, and install them java, flash and shockwave player, that'd do for most users.

Another possible solution, are you sure that the popups are not caused by the messenger service? (make sure it is disabled anyway)

Nice try. They already tried Firefox on their own. Not only did having to re-download the plugins piss them off, but they have all types of business specific sites for which they've been told they must use IE (company policy). Much as it runs against the grain, they can't effectively switch.

I suspect that this little fucker has tied itself into Outlook somehow (and no, they can't move off of that either). They don't use IM.
HomeLAN said:
I suspect that this little fucker has tied itself into Outlook somehow (and no, they can't move off of that either). They don't use IM.

The messenger service has nothing to do with IM, disable it just to make sure.

You'll find it in control panel, admin tools, services.