lil' problem with PM notification


New Member

I keep getting a PM notification at random times even when I've checked and deleted all my PMs...

Just a tad random hehe... :confuse3:
Dud pm's... that's a new one.:eek: kind of a let down too, eh? I hope mine doesn't start doing that. I get all excited when I get a new pm...that would piss me right off, if there wasn't one in there:grumpy:
RecklessLeper said:
I keep getting a PM notification at random times even when I've checked and deleted all my PMs...
In your e-mail or a popup box? Is the page up to date when it happens? (e.g. the time shown at the bottom of the page is current)
strangely this has stopped happening now...

if it happens again, i'll let you know :)

When I get the PM popup, and click to open the message in another window, it opens the message in the current one.

Not that I get many ...