Limbaugh defends Zicam


New Member
Radio personality Rush Limbaugh has defended Zicam swabs and nasal sprays targeted by the Food and Drug Administration, calling the federal government's recall of the popular product a result of anti-corporate sentiment.

Limbaugh, whose radio show is sponsored by Zicam, said the federal action is a "classic example of the litigious society that we have and the anti-corporate existence in much of the left today."

He added that Scottsdale-based Matrixx Initiatives, which markets the Zicam cold products, would not knowingly put a product on the market that destroys a person's sense of smell.

The FDA said yesterday that consumers should avoid three Zicam products -- nasal swabs, nasal gel and nasal swabs for children, which already have been discontinued.

The FDA contends it has received more than 130 reports that the product has caused loss of smell, which also impacts taste. The FDA also collected another 800 grievances that consumers filed directly with the company.

Matrixx says that the products are safe, but it will comply with the federal government for now and halt new shipments of the products to retailers.


I didn't realize that Rush was a homeopathic drug expert.
What, of this, is false? He is giving an opinion, stating facts as he knows them, and using litigation history as a benchmark. This may end up with a Stella Award.

RUSH: I'm getting so much e-mail about this, let me address this I saw it earlier today. The FDA has issued an official warning against Zicam Nasal Mist. Now, I didn't see it relate to the swabs. But I saw it related to the nasal spray, the Zicam nasal spray. They warn you not to use it because it can destroy your sense of smell. Let me tell you my history with this. Zicam is an official sponsor of the EIB Network -- and I think two or three years but whatever the first year with them, they told us about all of the lawsuits they have, and they beat every one of them. I think what's happening here, I use Zicam all the time. I know hundreds of people who use Zicam and they've never lost their sense of smell. We have a litigious society.

There are people and lawyers who will team up to sue a company for damages for any reason at all. The coffee is too hot. They don't have Chicken McNuggets at the drive-through window, or what have you. Now, I don't know about the nasal spray stuff. I didn't see the whole report. All I saw was she said the nasal spray can cause loss of sense of smell permanently. My experience with this has been these are professionally concocted suits. The Zicam people have spent you would not believe how much money with science refuting all this. I don't know what happened here with the FDA report.

But I'll tell you: the FDA to me is no different than any other government agency. They are not God, and when they say something, I don't snap to. A lot of people do, and the FDA... I have too much personal experience with this. My sense of smell is fine and everybody that I know who I've recommended use Zicam has never said one thing to me about it. These are nattering nabobs, lazy people running around. I've gotten e-mail. I've gotten e-mail from listeners I don't know, "Rush, Rush, Rush! I'm hearing it can destroy your sense of smell!" All right? We've got a couple. "It destroyed my sense of smell, Limbaugh!" I think they were just agitators. But I don't know anybody. And the science I've seen on it, it's bogus.

All it is is zinc, for crying out loud, in the swabs! And I still don't know if the swabs are included in this, which swabs are what we advertise. The nasal spray from Zicam came on the market a little bit after the swabs did, but they really haven't been part of the advertising program here as much as the cotton swabs are. But the thing we were told about when we met with the Zicam people was that they were being sued, and they won every case, or had them dismissed or what have you, over the course of a number of years about this whole notion of the loss of sense of smell. I know these people. There's no way these people are going to put a product on the market that's going to destroy people's sense of smell! So, this is just I think a classic example of the litigious society that we have and the anti-corporate existence in much of the left today. They don't have a job. They just seek getting rich this way.
Yeah Rush is such a hero....And we all know he is an expert in the field of drugs. Hell shouldn't all drugs that these companies make just be on the market for the greater good fo the corporation? What's the big deal if a few people get hurt, or even die? Profit margin baby, that's all that really matters....
Unless one consumed mass quantities, why would zinc be hazardous?

Big Pharma wants your $$.
The active ingredients in Zicam Allergy Relief Swabs are Luffa Operculata, Galphimia Glauca, Histaminum Hydrochloricum, and Sulphur.
Looks like there's more in there than just zinc, and maybe it's one of those other ingredients that might do it. Also, consuming small quantities via the mouth (Centrum, more complete from A to zinc) is a lit different than consuming them through the nose, sort of like how it hurts when you laugh and snort Dr Pepper out your nose. thirdly, a lot of people smoke for decades and never get lung cancer.
The best thing to get when you are sick is the standard old fashioned zinc lozenges you dissolve in your mouth. I am not talking about those fakey 6-10 dollar for 20 cold ease, but the old fashioned kind that I was taking 20 years ago under my doctors advice, long before the normal medical establishment had even caught on to the curative properties of zinc. I find they work better than cold ease and they go for about 6-8 bucks for a full hundred. Granted they are not as pleasant tasting, but they aren't horrific either.
Hell shouldn't all drugs that these companies make just be on the market for the greater good fo the corporation?


If you have a better plan, create it, market it & give it away. See if you make a second product.

It could get scary if the side effects from current popular prescription drugs were posted.

A better plan would be to make safe products to sell.

We're all waiting. Since it's free, I'll take a dozen.

It could get scary if the side effects from current popular prescription drugs were posted.

Which is why I don't take any (my doctor knows I refuse anything that doesn't FIX the problem)

In the late 80's/early 90's the clamor was for the FDA to get more European-like & start allowing drugs to go to market far more quickly. This is what the people wanted. This is what the pharmaceuticals wanted. Thi sis what we asked for. :shrug:
I guess that everyone here is missing the part about how the President slams Rush and shortly thereafter the Obama Administration FDA attacks one of his primary sponsors.

Any thoughts on that?