Link housekeeping


Annoying SOB
fury I think someone needs to go though the links (big job I know) and just tidy them up. I've ran into quite a few 404 links including the VB code FAQ on this very form.
Fixed the forum rules links.

The other 404's are probably from where we had custom pages set up which I have to redo individually for vBulletin 3, in which case I will get to them as soon as I have the time.

Thanks for your feedback. :beerbang:
I can fgive you another link...the about contrubutors link is broked too

dayaamn been posting properly for less than a week and Im already nitpicking I must be worse that Unc Bish and Inky all in one!
I know about the About Contributors link. That's one of the custom pages I have to manually transfer over to vB3 :beerbang:
steweygrrrr said:
dayaamn been posting properly for less than a week and Im already nitpicking I must be worse that Unc Bish and Inky all in one!
