little black dots?


New Member
You know what I miss? That little black dot on the thread icons that say you answered that thread. :D
I miss it too, in fact i need it, but it might be a little difficult to implement it on this board.....

Don't know about this software, but on HWC's is "impossible" to make.
They probably will not be all that difficult to implement since this board software contains mostly ripped off vB code.

I just haven't gotten around to it. Lemme recover from this goddamn sinus infection and I'll put it at the top of the to do list.
What's a little sinus infection, flurf? ;)

Are you taking anything for it? Sinus infections aren't fun. Hope you're head feels better soon. :)
There is no "little" sinus infection where I'm concerned... when I get ill, it usually puts me out of commission for a week... I'm amazed I'm even able to sit up, let alone manage to post. I downed an antibiotic pill and a couple of tylenol sinus/allergy pills, and have been chugging down pedialyte like there's no tomorrow, so I think I'm just about on the way to recovering.

I think I'm in the condition to do some coding soon, so expect to see the dots today or tomorrow or something like that.
My boyfriend gets sinus infections, so I have an idea what you're going through. Don't rush. Get better first.
sinus infections positively suck. I usually get one a year or so.

My doc wants to operate on my head... something about a deviated septum. I told him to go screw himself - I've seen what that surgery does to people. It takes them longer to recover than having a lung removed.
Hehehe, now that i came to think about it, i don't need them anymore.....

i post almost in every thread...