Living down to expectations


Southern Discomfort
The bright lights at Harvard University have identified another reason for low-performing people to blame society for their problems and not themselves: “stereotype threat.”

A press release from the Harvard Mental Health Letter explains that the condition arises when “members of a stereotyped group risk doing something that conforms to the dominant culture's typecasting. If their performance coincides even slightly with a demeaning belief, they may be reduced to that stereotype, either in the minds of others or in their own minds.”

The condition, say the good doctors at Harvard, can lead to anxiety-provoking self-consciousness that can deter achievement.

And thankfully, they have suggested solutions. Among them: encourage awareness among the subjects that it’s society's fault and not theirs, and, of course, provide plenty of counseling by trained mental health professionals.


Just spiffy. Now we have Harvard University medical research telling us it's OK to be a fuck up. All you have to do is say that it's society's fault, that you were intimidated into whatever you did so you wouldn't fit a stereotype.

Does any of this nonsense really work in the real world? Has anyone here ever been in a position where you really screwed up on the job, and were able to wiggle out of the hot seat by blaming it on societal factors that overwhelmed you to the point that you had no choice BUT to screw up?

Didn't think so.

I'll be back later. It's time for me to go anally rape Ned Beatty some more, so I can fulfill the mountain man prophecy. Hope it doesn't take away from my job performance.

squeal! squee-eealll!
here is another thought on why some students do poorly: they dont do the work and dont show up for class
Look SnP, just because you're an average white guy (isn't that a band?) & have noone or nothing to blame, have faith & hope. The scientists are wordking hard to find a suitable social stigma that you (and I) may use.
Gonz don't hold your breath on that one.
The reverse discrimination against the Asians
in CA college admissions should be your guide!

Today, fewer than 4% of Japanese Americans live below the poverty line,
the lowest poverty levels for any Asian American group.

Some American institutions of higher education, like Harvard, Brown, Princeton, Yale, and Stanford, have restrictive admission policies for Asian Americans because too many Asian American students would overshadow the white college students
Gonz said:
Look SnP, just because you're an average white guy (isn't that a band?) & have noone or nothing to blame, have faith & hope. The scientists are wordking hard to find a suitable social stigma that you (and I) may use.

Actually, it was Average White Band. :swing:

And believe me, I have all the stigma I need. Happily provided by my neighbors to the north and west, and fervently propogated by Hollyweird TV and movie types, print "journalists", and other misinformed souls.
I'm polish. Everytime I try to change a lighbulb without 99 of my closest polish friends and family I fail. Then I cry. I need therapy.
rrfield said:
I'm polish. Everytime I try to change a lighbulb without 99 of my closest polish friends and family I fail. Then I cry. I need therapy.


A friend of mine years ago told his soon-to-be-bride, "I'm going to give you something long and hard on our wedding night...a Polish last name!"
so eating watermellon makes me a fuck up? does that explain why i hate watermelon? but hey i love fried chicken... :rainfrow:
Speaking of sterotypes, the new AP girl at work today made a "yes massa" comment. Then she asked if there were any of "those people" working where they might have heard her bcause you know how sensitive "those people" can be. She didn't want to offend anyone because some of her best friends...
Thulsa Doom said:
so eating watermellon makes me a fuck up? does that explain why i hate watermelon? but hey i love fried chicken... :rainfrow:

Why, yes. Yes it does...:grinyes: