Living or non-living


Staff member
I asked Avery what he learned today, and he says, what's living and what's not.

So I play with him a bit, grass? chair? couch? sidewalk?

he's doing fine till I say sky. He says, living. I say no. He says yes. I say no. He says, God made the sky, and what God makes is living, so the sky is living.


I'm stuck in that argument. Now what? :tardbang:
God made dirt...and dirt isn't living...tell him not all things that god makes are living...some of them are to help living the dirt is to help the plants and the sky is to give birds a place to fly.
Leslie said:
dirt is usually living though. It has bacteria. He got me on that one too :lloyd:
Just tell him the sky used to be alive but because the US refused to sign onto the Kyoto accord its now dead. :evilgrin:
A.B.Normal said:
Just tell him the sky used to be alive but because the US refused to sign onto the Kyoto accord its now dead. :evilgrin:
ooooh that's a good one!!!! :devious:

Just explain the difference between living (bacteria, birds) and inanimate environment (dirt, sky).
Just curious, but did he learn that bit about God at school? If you were in the US you could sue them, you know.
Leslie said:

I dunnoooooooooooo :crying3:

That's a tough one for everybody, including scientists. A very heated debate.

A book I read when I was in secondary school placed them as the borderline between living and non-living. Which is what most scientists would tell you just to be safe.
Luis G said:
That's a tough one for everybody, including scientists. A very heated debate.

A book I read when I was in secondary school placed them as the borderline between living and non-living. Which is what most scientists would tell you just to be safe.

Kinda like Elvis ,Dead or Alive ,nobody seems to be able to say for sure. :evilcool:
I doubt he learned the god thing at school...that would be completely unacceptable here...he probably learned it at Sunday School.

Oh, and, you can sue for ANYTHING in the states :p
Nixy said:
God made dirt...and dirt isn't living...tell him not all things that god makes are living...some of them are to help living the dirt is to help the plants and the sky is to give birds a place to fly.


or god doesn't exist and that the sky and everything is a result of chemical reactions...nothing more. Nothing matters and that you go nowhere when you die except back to Earth.
IDLEchild said:

or god doesn't exist and that the sky and everything is a result of chemical reactions...nothing more. Nothing matters and that you go nowhere when you die except back to Earth.

The kid's like SIX
That is what I wanted to say. It's a struggle. But I'm letting him choose his own course on that one.

so, I went with HomeLAN's thing and basically said, if it can die, it's living. Then we went and looked in Genesis, and I read to him the part about how he created light, and earth, and sky, and THEN the living things. I know what he means though. I can recall a good deal of blathering about living creations etcetera.
Leslie said:
That is what I wanted to say. It's a struggle. But I'm letting him choose his own course on that one.

Good for you! I don't believe, but his grandparents all do. We each teach him our points of view, and don't tromp on the others' toes. He gets exposed to it all, and can make his own choices when he's ready.

The odd thing is that I've had to review religious doctrine in order to avoid misinforming him when he asks me questions about what his grandparents say.