LL, Hex & putertotor


molṑn labé
Staff member
and the rest of you too. This is one small but important step you may find interesting.
If Jamal Khashoggi is the only Saudi to join the human race this year then i'll thank god because i don't see any others doing it. They don't get it. But i'll tell you what, the Saudi princes sure as hell do! They're scared to death of Usama Bin Laden. Which is why they fund the son of a bitch. They know he's powerful, popular and has a perverted dream of returning to Saudi Arabia and overthrowing the royal family. We are coming to a turning point and i'm of the opinion(hope) we will begin to see more and more Arabs returing to grace and excepting the truth. But not before much more serious turmoil in the region and the world.
HeXp£Øi± said:
They're scared to death of Usama Bin Laden. Which is why they fund the son of a bitch. They know he's powerful, popular and has a perverted dream of returning to Saudi Arabia and overthrowing the royal family.
The current royal family of Saudi Arabia is not the rightful heirs to the throne. The real king is Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Al-Hussein, now king of Jordan. The Saudis pay him a big check to keep quiet and not claim the throne, because if he do, it will be civil war in Saudi Arabia.

Osama bin-Laden has done more damage to the Muslim society than he did to the United States. Over the world people are turning against Islam because of what happened in the United States, and now the Muslims are realizing what happened. Some people are just blind and cannot see past what is happening right now. Ah well...
facts or no facts, it's nice to see a Saudi give the US some credit while simultaneously placing blame in it's rightful place. after much thought I have doubts, that was on the english speaking side. Was the same written in arabic?
it came from arabnews. English/09/11 re-lived, so I don't know if it's available in arabic.
This site translates arabic. Well... into something atleast partly reminiscent of english anyway. I use it to read Aljazeera and a few others.

I could not locate the same article in Arabic. Pity. A great page for 9/11 is this one:

http://www.asharqalawsat.com/pcstatic/supplement/supplement.html (Arabic)

But that article was probably English only. :(