
Well-Known Member
I wanted to know if you have an opinion on Hosni Mubarak.
Recently he stated something along the lines of 'if the US strikes Iraq, Arab leaders will not be able to control the rioting masses of the Arab nations'. Do you think Mubarak is a hothead like so many other Arab leaders or might he be saying this because he actually believes it.
Also, do you know of any good arab BBSystems? Preferrably where they speak in English?
Hm, most Arabs don't even have a TV nor do they care whats going on outside. At least in Saudi Arabia. Its the activists you gotta worry about, and they only protest when they sense they can influence someone. Most of them are just dipshits and don't have a clue what is going on. I can't see mass rioting. Perhaps some demonstrations and a little rioting in some of the Arab capitals of more out of control countries, but hardcore arabs such as Saudis won't. Its not their way of life to demonstrate.