
Hush up & vote for Obama. You know why you must. It's part of who you are ;)
I'd much rather do a write-in vote for Nixon. I know...he's dead...but he's a better choice than the candidates on either side, so far. ;)
This isn't news, it campaigning. Shrillary's camp releases this, the brainwashed media zombies to the printing press to duly parrot it, and SHAZAM! it seems credible.

Ladies, if you feel it is your duty to vote for a woman simnply because she's a woman, please find someone who also possesses a functional brain. There are hundreds of viable female candidates. They don't get support because their husbands weren't busy facefucking some intern in the oval office for eight years, but they are plentiful. I am not a resident of NC, but they have a Congresswoman who is brilliant whose name I disremember and I'm too lazy to google her up. I've heard her interviewed many times, and I'd vote for her over anyone in the mix, with one possible exception who I am currently reading up on to see if I can support him or not.

This story, though, is not one thing more than a cue to the media and shows like The View and Oprah to get behind Hillary and urge women to vote for her. And it'll work to a large degree.
This isn't news, it campaigning. Shrillary's camp releases this, the brainwashed media zombies to the printing press to duly parrot it, and SHAZAM! it seems credible.
This is America. If you say anything often enough it becomes true. We've become a nation of sheep happily accepting the current popular story as long as it doesn't interfere with the game or Grey's Anatomy.

their husbands weren't busy facefucking some intern in the oval office for eight years,

What, non-stop? You gotta admire his stamina if nothing else. :lol:
I'd much rather do a write-in vote for Nixon. I know...he's dead...but he's a better choice than the candidates on either side, so far. ;)

I'm still with Tancredo, or Hunter so far. Neither may have a chance, but I may
write-in anyway.

I like most of what Hucklbee says, but His eyes scare me somewhat....
I just don't know how he'd act when the big money is thrown at him.
(of coarse we don't Really know about any of them, but If the eyes are the window to the soul...)
IMO we need a thread on the people running for senate, and house.
There seems to be where the dangerous people are.
There Has the be major change in those two. Soon.