Logs on the Fire Fill Me With Desire


Well-Known Member
For the last couple weeks all I did was whine about the Christmas decorations already in the stores before Halloween. But then on the radio tonight I heard a Christmas FM station.......

I loooovvvvvveeeeee Christmas music! For me it's the RW talk radio or.......The Carpenters and Elvis and Bing and Bowie! Now I don't have to wait until the day after Thanksgiving!!

So have yourselves a Merry Little Christmas Night!
i hate christmas music.

i'm taking ear plugs with me this year to my parents' house. luckily her family does not play that shit incessantly, so half the time i won't need to plug up...
Over the river and through the woods
And straight through the barnyard gate.
It seems that we go so dreadfully slow;
It is so hard to wait.

Over the river and through the woods,
Now Grandma's cap I spy.
Hurrah for fun; the pudding's done;
Hurrah for the pumpkin pie.
have a little dreidel
I made it out of clay
And when it's dry and ready
Then dreidel I shall play!

Oh - dreidel, dreidel, dreidel
I made it out of clay
And when it's dry and ready
Then dreidel I shall play!

It has a lovely body
With legs so short and thin
And when my dreidel’s tired
It drops and then I win!


My dreidel’s always playful
It loves to dance and spin
A happy game of dreidel
Come play now, let’s begin!

