Long days ahead


molṑn labé
Staff member
starting tonight?

CNN said:
• Witnesses tell CNN Republican Guard units moving toward Baghdad airport, which U.S. secured Friday
• U.S. says it's bolstering strength defending airport by hundreds of troops
I hope this guy has his resume prepared.

John F. Burns, Baghdad bureau chief for the New York Times said "the United States armed forces are a very important inhibitor against violence."

Well, I think, quite simply that the United States armed forces here -- and I find this to be very widely agreed amongst Iraqis that I know, of all ethnic and sectarian backgrounds -- the United States armed forces are a very important inhibitor against violence. I know it`s argued by some people that they provoke the violence. I simply don`t believe that to be in the main true. I think it`s a much larger truth that where American forces are present, they are inhibiting sectarian violence, and they are going after the people, particularly al-Qaeda and the Shiite death squads, who are provoking that violence. Remove them or at least remove them quickly, and it seems to me -- controversial as this may seem to be saying in the present circumstances, while I know there`s this agonizing debate going on in the United States about this -- that you have to weigh the price. And the price would very likely be very, very high levels of violence, at least in the short run and perhaps, perhaps - perhaps for quite a considerable period of time.
