Longest sentence

Luis G

Staff member
Charles Scott Robinson, 30, was sentenced by an Oklahoma City judge to 30,000 years in prison for sexually assaulting a 3-year-old girl. An eight-time felon previously convicted of burglary and possession of a stolen vehicle, he was found guilty of one count of rape by instrumentation, two counts of forcible oral sodomy and three counts of indecent or lewd acts with a child under 16. The jury recommended 5,000 years for each count, stating, "We don't want him to have a chance of ever getting out again." Despite the extreme measure, Robinson could be up for parole in as little as 15 years. The Department of Corrections considers any sentence over 45 years to be the equivalent of a life sentence, and state law requires that a person be considered for parole after serving one-third of a sentence.

30,000 years /good behavior /2,3,4,5 for one credit... he'll be out in June.