Lookout For Any Statements From The Iraqi Insurgents...Thrilled At Dem Congress


New Member
If we have to deal with WND and Newsmax here as news there's no reason not to post from the Huffington Post.

This shows exactly how "Fair and Balanced" Fox is.


:D huffington post?

Cool , i'll regularly update you all with the all important epping forest gazzette editorial! :D
Iraq's Health Minister:

Shameri: The Americans are the reason for the disaster in our country. Rumsfeld made many mistakes, and we are pleased to see him go. The Americans understand nothing about Iraq. They are not protecting us, but just themselves. The Democrats' victory will make things easier for us.

SPIEGEL: What should change?

Shameri: The Iraqi government must be able to act as a sovereign body. We want to deploy our police and military forces the way we think is right. So far we have always had to ask the Americans. Personally, I would have no objection to their leaving the country tomorrow. In any event, in the future we must tie the presence of their troops to conditions.

SPIEGEL: What are they?

Shameri: The Americans must leave the cities and withdraw to their bases. They should only come when they are needed and called for.


***NEWSFLASH**** --- ***NEWSFLASH****


This just in from the mean woodland groves of epping:

Halloween hell plagues police

POLICE across the county were inundated with emergency calls sparked by incidents relating to flour and egg-throwing and fireworks on Halloween night.

In Ongar High Street a window was smashed and eggs littered the pavements.

Epping Forest Police District Commander Chief Inspector Jon Hill said: "Halloween is always a busy night for police officers throughout the country and the Epping Forest district is no exception.

"We received numerous reports of youths making a nuisance of themselves throughout the evening.

He added: "Damage was caused to a door at Loughton Police Station when a youth was chased there. Two young people were arrested immediately.