Looks like somebody else...

27 years after the revolution, conservatives rule Iran. But Western culture still seeps in.


Sorry, that just caught my eye.

Re the subject at hand, I doubt it. There'll be a lot of hollering and puffing out of metaphorical chests, but in the end I doubt that much will come of it other than that Iran and Syria will attempt to be more discreet. The new troops sent to Iraq are a drop in the bucket. You think they're prepared to send more?

Sorry, that just caught my eye.

Yeah. That would. Funny how the media corrolates fanatacism with conservatism, eh?

chcr said:
Re the subject at hand, I doubt it. There'll be a lot of hollering and puffing out of metaphorical chests, but in the end I doubt that much will come of it other than that Iran and Syria will attempt to be more discreet. The new troops sent to Iraq are a drop in the bucket. You think they're prepared to send more?

They'd better be, or this will be the biggest disaster since the Titanic...
Yeah. That would. Funny how the media corrolates fanatacism with conservatism, eh?
Then you don't equate religious fundamentalism with conservativism? Practically the very definition.

They'd better be, or this will be the biggest disaster since the Titanic...
Hello..., it already is. There doesn't seem to be any intention on the part of either "side" to do anything useful to correct the situation either, now does there?
“It makes sense that if somebody’s trying to harm our troops, or stop us from achieving our goal, or killing innocent citizens in Iraq, that we will stop them,”

Wow! Brilliant new policy. He's a sharp one.
I've said it from the time the US first entered Bagdad...
The borders have to be sealed....First...now.

That'll never happen though. They can't/won't even do it here.:shrug:

So I see no chance of victory in the war on terror in Iraq. Although there
can/will probably be more victorious battles, I'm sure.

We have already won the "Iraq War". What is taking place in Iraq is just
farther fighting in the overall war on terrorism.
The problem with "Iraq" is, Iraqis aren't getting together.

It seems Iran is fueling the foreign insurgent part, so .....:shrug:
North American Union...we don't need no stinking badges, err, borders.
Then you don't equate religious fundamentalism with conservativism? Practically the very definition.

Nope. Religiuos fundamentalism is not fanaticism. You don't have to espouse both. You didn't know that? ;)

chcr said:
Hello..., it already is. There doesn't seem to be any intention on the part of either "side" to do anything useful to correct the situation either, now does there?

The start was too easy is all. Then, once it started getting mired, the political infighting had already begun, and nobody wanted to do their job rather than get re-elected.
Nope. Religiuos fundamentalism is not fanaticism.

they're not exaclty the same thing. but they're close cousins and the former can readily modulate into the latter.

nah, those pakistani kids in the madrasas are just plain old fundamentalists, right? oh, yeah, and those lubavitcher guys are pretty okay... and then there's the ACLU form of constitutional fundamentalism... yeah, they're pretty level-headed and reasonable... :retard: