Looks like the new guy

Pays attention to what? This is the same group who is literally handing a Get Out of Jail free card to the fighters by passing a non-binding resolution saying keep fighting us & we're gonna quit.

Hanoi Jane is now Congress.
The comments were part of a vocal push led by President Bush against the proposed congressional action.
So now it's not so much what's best for the country (not so sure it ever was) as it's a pissing contest then. :rolleyes:
So now it's not so much what's best for the country (not so sure it ever was) as it's a pissing contest then. :rolleyes:

Has been since the war started. Haven't you noticed? The Dems think that, by making the President look bad, all Reps will look bad, and they'll have an easy road to the White House in 2008. The Reps are retaliating. Politics as usual with no concern for the real issues...like what if this plan works? I have my doubts, simply because of the numbers, but what does anyone have to lose? If the Dems refuse to pony up the cash, then its all over, though. We'll be back to funding the war effort through the price of our own uniforms...just like the Bosnia fiasco, where part of the 'profit' from buying a uniform went to keep the campaign going. I'll post a link when I can find one...
Has been since the war started. Haven't you noticed? The Dems think that, by making the President look bad, all Reps will look bad, and they'll have an easy road to the White House in 2008. The Reps are retaliating. Politics as usual with no concern for the real issues...like what if this plan works? I have my doubts, simply because of the numbers, but what does anyone have to lose? If the Dems refuse to pony up the cash, then its all over, though. We'll be back to funding the war effort through the price of our own uniforms...just like the Bosnia fiasco, where part of the 'profit' from buying a uniform went to keep the campaign going. I'll post a link when I can find one...

Actually I did. I assumed, given the general tone of discussions on the subject hereabouts, that Unc was the only other one who noticed. My apologies.
So now it's not so much what's best for the country (not so sure it ever was) as it's a pissing contest then. :rolleyes:

I tell ya, after some of things the pres. has said lately, and what's
Not getting done about the border, I'm really wondering who all in the gov.
is/are getting moneys from Mexico.

I truly though the pres. was/would putting/put the nations security first,
but I'm not so sure now. (seeing how long it's been since 9/11)
I've been disillusioned since that speech right before the one of the State of the union,
and with it too.

It just seems to me, looking back, that the border issue, and the ports
didn't seem to be a priority, until 'we people' started complaining.

I'm not convinced that the strategy of:
"fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them here"
is correct. What I've seen is even while engaged there, they are coming here.
A Hezbollah cell was found in NC, and has been known about for years.