loose lips kill girls


well, nice going bachmann. your ignorant yet sensational hack opinion on the HPV vaccine will spook folks for several years. i'm sure 20 years from now, when a proportion the thousands who avoided the HPV vaccine because of your self-serving scare will be happy to die of cervical cancer.

what an irresponsible boob. well, anything for a moment in the media, huh?
imo she already sunk herself.
she'll just keep dropping off now.

the media is now even recognizing Paul over her now.
Girls (and guys too now) are better off without that vaccine despite Bachmann's error.

Vaccine Lobby Launches Gardasil Safety Hoax

Merck-linked proponents seize on Bachmann controversy to deceive public that inoculation is “wonderfully safe”

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

In the aftermath of Rep. Michele Bachmann’s comments about the Gardasil shot causing mental retardation, vaccine lobbyists and the pharmaceutical-friendly establishment media have launched a new hoax claiming the vaccine is completely safe, despite the CDC’s own figures confirming over 18,000 cases of adverse reactions.

The HPV vaccine has become a presidential campaign talking point, after Ron Paul slammed rival Rick Perry when he pointed out that the Texas Governor’s former chief of staff was a lobbyist for Merck at the same time Perry mandated all girls in Texas receive the shot with an executive order.

However, the controversy only intensified when Rep. Michele Bachmann told the Today Show that a mother had approached her after last week’s Republican debate and told her that her daughter became mentally retarded after receiving the HPV vaccine.

This prompted vaccine advocates, several of whom have direct ties to Merck Pharmaceuticals to circulate the hoax, with the enthusiastic support of the corporate press, that the HPV shot is completely safe and has no side-effects whatsoever.

“Dr. Arthur Caplan, director of the University of Pennsylvania Bioethics Center, offered Bachmann $10,000 if she could produce solid evidence of a case in which a “vaccine victim” developed a mental disability following an HPV shot,” reports CBS News.

“Since the vaccine has been introduced, more than 35 million doses have been administered, and it has an excellent safety record,” responded the American Academy of Pediatrics in a statement.

Vanderbilt University’s Dr. William Schaffner also told ABC News, “The HPV vaccine and other vaccines are wonderfully safe vaccines, they’ve been tested extensively and we’re quite comfortable in saying they’re safe.”

Schaffner’s level of comfort in asserting the vaccine is safe may derive from the fact that his National Foundation for Infectious Diseases has given awards to the inoculation-pushing Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as Paul A. Offit MD, a vehement vaccine promoter who holds a $1.5 million dollar research position at a Merck funded children’s hospital and owns several patents on vaccines.

However, the Center for Disease Control’s own figures clearly illustrate how the HPV shot is not “wonderfully safe” at all, as its Merck-linked proponents claim.

The CDC’s own figures show that there have been “18,727 reports of adverse events following Gardasil® vaccination,” including 68 deaths. The report also details the link between the vaccine and blood clots, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, as well as fainting, nausea, and fever.

In attacking Bachmann for citing anecdotal cases of the vaccine causing “mental retardation,” the pharmaceutical establishment has launched a sophisticated hoax aimed at manipulating the public to believe that the vaccine has no side-effects whatsoever, when in reality it has been directly connected with deaths, pregnancy complications, convulsions, seizures, and a host of other serious health problems.

The video report below documents numerous personal accounts from young women and girls of Gardasil vaccine damage, as well as an interview with vaccine expert Dr. Russell Blaylock outlining the dangers associated with the shot.



The vaccine, recommended by the medical groups for 11- and 12-year-olds, protects against the human papillomavirus, or HPV, a sexually transmitted infection that can cause cancer.

We'll discuss Bachmann in order to avoid disturbing trends in that paragraph.
gotholic, please don't ever respond to my posts with that infowars crap. if you've got something to say, say it yourself.

gonz, i thought you were in favor of younger kids having sex from that thread about warren jeffs, peel's pedophile hero.
you certainly did argue for a "community standard" for age on consent for the rape squad er FLDS radicals.

i guess the HPV vaccine is okay if you're wearing a bonnet and are the sexual chattel of some old perv by age 12, right?
right. but you still presented that in the positive and this in the negative. the tone of your statements is not lost across the (D)ARPANET.

end transmission.
Nice to know that this place hasn't lost any of it's Duh! Lemme make a few intelligent points for you to ignore before I leave again.

1: HPV has been linked to cancer in the same way smoking has ... statistically. Wimmens have had HPV and never gotten cancer .. wimmens have gotten cancer without any trace of HPV
2: HPV is a sexually transmitted disease. It's vector is well documented.
3: Girls well under the age of consent are being forced by law and at gunpoint to submit to a 'vaccine' who's only promised effect can be replicated by keeping their pants up.
4: and this is the biggie for me .... the big pharma company has been given yet another carte blanche protecting them from lawsuits.

Frankly ... I'd leave any country that threatened me and mine in such a fashion. That Texas ... the supposed core of the remaining free spirit in the US would submit so meekly .... I guess they've spent too much time with the cows ....
1: HPV has been linked to cancer in the same way smoking has ... statistically. Wimmens have had HPV and never gotten cancer .. wimmens have gotten cancer without any trace of HPV

really? no shit? wow, thanks for briefly exploring the obvious.

2: HPV is a sexually transmitted disease. It's vector is well documented.

wow. i had NO IDEA. no one else did, either.

3: Girls well under the age of consent are being forced by law and at gunpoint to submit to a 'vaccine'

most of the the time that doesn't include an OPT OUT option. your flair the dramatic only undermines you. post shit like that and no reasonable person is going to take you seriously.
...who's only promised effect can be replicated by keeping their pants up.

yeah let's try to keep people from having sex. that's bound to work. maybe you could get some lessons in moral policing from the taliban. i think you'd get along great with those guys.

but i suppose we are living in overly permissive times. what with sex everywhere these days. gotta suppress it!

but, wait, i'm not so sure i'm making sense here, because you seem to love this oversexed environment. you know i'd actually never heard of "ass to mouth" until you mentioned it in one of your posts? do as i say and not as i do.

hey the taliban likes to rape both boys and girls, so, i guess the hypocrisy is another commonality you have with 'em.

4: and this is the biggie for me .... the big pharma company has been given yet another carte blanche protecting them from lawsuits.

wow. another revelation. are you anti-business or something?

Frankly ... I'd leave any country that threatened me and mine in such a fashion. That Texas ... the supposed core of the remaining free spirit in the US would submit so meekly .... I guess they've spent too much time with the cows ....

it's okay. texas don't want you. in fact i struggle to think of a place that would want you... well, given your authoritarianism disorder, i'd say that iran or venezuela might work.

Nice to know that this place hasn't lost any of it's Duh! Lemme make a few intelligent points for you to ignore before I leave again.
i thought you were exiled to elba, little buddy.


awwww, you're leaving again? no, let us beg you to stay, and indulge your teenage drama! AT GUNPOINT!!!!! markjs would be flattered right now to see you following in the footsteps of his imaginary escapades.

well thanks for stopping by and spewing some obvious shit while calling the rest of us stupid at the same time. you're really super duper.

on a positive note, you do a great job of making the rest of us feel better about ourselves by comparison.

hugs and kisses,