Loreena McKennitt


Hm, I downloaded all her music, and I'm going to buy the CDs now lol... Its great music... Now, is it Celtic? Irish? Gaelic? English? Wales? Scottish? I don't know an awful lot of the music from that part of the world...
oh dear, when i mentioned loreena mckennitt to the missus she started foaming at the mouth. inbetween the twitching came snippets of the following:

celtic whimsy, sub-irish pap, as much folk/traditional credibility as enya and the folk equivalent of celine dion

oucheroo, but bear in mind that this is coming from ms folk uk, so if its not proper traditional music it will get panned.
dunno, probly similar, although celtic is kind of a soft term for music. in reality 'celtic' refers to a kind of sub-traditional that is neither pure traditional nor pop. so it has a limited base in true traditional music but that is what it is identified as by non-folkies.

to folk fans like the wife, enya and mckennitt barely deserve a connection with folk or traditional music at all as that basis is so tenuous. to the non-folky public it is often thought of as what tradtional celtic music is, when in fact they are a long way apart.
by handing it a term like celtic it suggests a connection with traditions - the language, culture, poetry and music of so-called 'celts'. this is not the case.

it would be like telling a wine fanatic that the champagne they had was just sparkling white wine :)
Yeah, Loreena McKennitt did do a theme in Highlander. Awesome song! :cool:

Her music's great, and although the sound isn't "traditional celtic", it sounds good, and much of it has strong celtic tones to it.