Love At First Sight


Well-Known Member
I would like to know if anyone of you actually believe in the notion that someone can "fall in love" with another at first sight.

For me, I just find it hard to believe that this can occur. The more I think about it, the less I believe it's truly possible. I think people get confused with "lust at first sight" with "love at first sight".

I, however, have never experienced what it is like to fall in love with someone and so my judgment may be off base. So if you have a certain stance with the said notion I would like to hear it.
I certainly noticed the BF, and he assures me that he noticed me as well, but no, I don't think it was love at the outset. Lust maybe. I think love - true love - comes with getting to know and trust the sig. other.
I think that there can be an instant attraction and when it's the right person it feels like love at first sight because the high never stops and, looking back, you can't remember ever not loving the person even though it is a gradual thing.
Love is a developed & earned emotion. Knowing there is a connection is immediate.
I don't know, whenever I read the word Lust I mistook it by my name :shrug:
I met the hubby in January of our 5th grade year --- he was 11, I was 10.
I knew right then that he was mine. LOL

Took me 11 years, but I got him. Next month will make 39 years together.

Dang, just realized that we've known each other for 50 years !
I met the hubby in January of our 5th grade year --- he was 11, I was 10.
I knew right then that he was mine. LOL

Took me 11 years, but I got him. Next month will make 39 years together.

Dang, just realized that we've known each other for 50 years !

When did he figure it out? Or is he still sitting there wondering WTF happened?
Prof, for all I know he may still be trying to figure out what happened. :D

But to be perfectly honest, he didn't stand a chance. hehehe