Love this place!


Staff member
This place is the best!

We've got a nudist admin, a head bitchslapper, a head bitchslap cheerleader, more bastichs than I care to count, and all of the other people who have not as yet found a status that is worthy of them!

I LOVE YOU GUYS! :headbang:
Are you saying that I love Fury in 'that way'? eek. well... so long as he shaves afore I get there.. back and all.
*hugs Nixy cause she's hella cool like that*

hey girl .. I think we should bitchslap Unc .. just for fun ;)


btw, I like fury "in that way" too but he hasn't humped me in so long :( ... I think he's forgotten about me :(
Na, that'll just turn him on though!

:idea: *realizes what she just said*

:bitchslap: <-Unc
*hugs Na back*

[yells really loud] fury! Get in here and hump Na! and you may aswell hump me again while you're at it![/yells really loud]
don't forget the awesome mods, with their charm, wit, intelliegence, 12lb cock, that sort of thing ;)
[yells really loud]fury, don't forget to hump ku'u too![/yells really loud]

OK, my throat is getting sore, anybody else who wants to get humped by fury (or anybody else for that matter) has to yell themselves!
Wow, you risk losing your voice for me? Okay, I semi-forgive you for touching my nose with your contaminated hand :D
It was CLEAN! I was just pretending that I hadn't washed it! I wouldn't REALLY touch you with a hand that had been in Unc's pants!