Low dollar...

No it's this....

It just might be the foreign trade deficit and the poor performance of American stocks on the international market. Nah, fuck it. It's the meaningless political bullshit.
No it's this....


Dude, simply demand action!

Don't you think it's the obligation of your duly elected democrat congress to listen to the voices that put them in majority, put a stop to the madness, exercise the powers granted to them by the Constitution, and simply cease to fund chimpy's private war?

Oh.........sorry about that. :p

The answer lies in the soft hands of flaccid, pencil-necked Harry Reid and his ineffectual partner in crime Flowers Pelosi, and you know none of that crew has the balls to do it.
I havd some customers at my register the other day and they are happier than pigs in swill that their Euro is so strong against the dollar. They bought a whole shitload of stuff.

I have said for years that until the dollar gains third world status that the manufacturing base will not come back here. Maybe we will see some of that now. Sure would be nice to see India, et al sniveling about how the jobs are leaving.
I'm shocked! Somebody actually got my point before the end of the first page!

Your article clearly states that the Europeans have been sucking the strong American dollar teat to their advantage for some time now; and now that their currency is strong they are sniveling about it.

They are now looking for ways to de-value the Euro so their manufacturing base doesn't suffer the same fate as that which they subjected Americans.