m$ making heavy losses on xbox


New Member
the division of m$ that includes the xbox, home and entertainment, has announced losses of $177m, up from $68m last year. even so they intend to continue with the xbox online strategy that will cost about $2bn over the next 5 years.


bbc more
That's not to uncommon when starting out. The key for them will be the ability to continue swallowing up market share. It's a tough market to.
i think sony stuck a knife in the market by releasing the ps2 a year ahead and getting share. plus they got a good games strategy, platinum ranges etc. uphill work for m$ and nintendo
Gamecube is doing well that I know of. XBox is eating because theyre charging half again as much for the darn thing over any other system.
over here the xbox is the cheapest of the three i think, ps2 is still the most expensive. but its the games that are doing the business, nintendo need to make sure that gamecube can turn out some decent titles and not just the one or two that the n64 had.
I bought my almost new PS2 for $100 from a friend. It's been my secondary dvd machine and i've played one game on it since i bought it some months ago. I wouldn't even consider buying one of these for $300 or even $200 for that matter when my machine can do all this and more better.
i wouldn't condsider a ps2 if it weren't for some of the very good driving and football games on there that outclass the pc ones. if i was a fps player i don't think that owning a ps2 would even cross my mind
Xbox is nicer on paper than the PS2. Sony was smarter though, they allowed PS1 games to stay in fashion.
I guess I should be proud of myself for helping to contribute to those losses :D I got the xbox only to play DVDs, and only cuz it cost MS more to make than they were selling it for, the princple and all ;) I never intend to play a game on it. Wow, if there were more people like me out there... Poor M$...

I guess it would be pretty good for games, but since I don't play them, or if I do, its only Civ III there is no recouping the losses of selling it for MS in my case. Its really good they didn't put a progressive scan DVD player in it, maybe even more people would do this too.
Xobx bought out Rare. Now all Rare titles will be exclusive to it. How rude. Rare made the best looking, bug free, easy and pleasing games on the market. Bastards.
unclehobart said:
Xobx bought out Rare. Now all Rare titles will be exclusive to it. How rude. Rare made the best looking, bug free, easy and pleasing games on the market. Bastards.

Sony practically owns Sega, and Nintendo has it's own software company as well. Not like M$ needs an outside software company, though... :rolleyes: :D