Make up your mind Russia


Well-Known Member
Conflicted little nation.

Russia told the talks on Thursday that hopes of big economic benefits were "illusory." It has also said that warmer weather might help extend farm areas north towards Siberia. Diplomats say Russia may want membership of the World Trade Organization as a price for ratification.

If i am reading this right then this is scary.
*ahhhhhhh!!!!! my eyes*

Delegates said that Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest oil exporter, wanted promises of aid if Kyoto spurs a shift to renewable energies like tidal, solar or wind energy at the expense of fossil fuels.

"Russia can either be seen as a force for multilateralism or can decide to go it alone and become a new rogue state like the United States," he said.

They want more warmth & less Sibyria.
In more unrelated news:
Axe murderers have sued under NAFTA guidelines for restraint of trade when beset with tougher crime laws. The plaintifs asked for 34 million in compensatory damages. The panel approved an extra 2.4 billion in punitive damages.
Kawaii said:

In completely unrelated news: Kidnappers demand compensation for profit lost because of more competent police force

When did the police force get more competent :alienhuh:.